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Gothic 2: New Balance

Modification type: massive upgrade of the original - Mod with the best game mechanics and options

Mod Localization:


Mod Information

New Balance is a global game modification for Gothic 2, which expands the world of Gothic by about 4-5 times and is based on the sources/quests/locations of the Returning 2.0 modification (the name Returning has been removed at the request of the original mod's author). The mod started to be created in late 2017 (previously the mod was called Alternative Balance).
Approximately 6000 changes have been made to 2024 (compared to the 2017 Returning 2.0 mod). The mod has been improved for over 6 years.



New Balance is an extensive modification for the game Gothic II: Night of the Raven, which adds new side quests and expands existing ones. The modification includes interesting new camps and character classes, as well as new skills such as intelligence, demonology, shield fighting, dual wielding, rhetoric, mining, arrow crafting, and many others. In addition to the classic three side guilds, new main guilds have also been added, creating the New Balance (NB) expansion, which is based on the Returning 2.0 version and aims to balance, improve, and enhance gameplay in every aspect. This is achieved by changing systems that were previously implemented in the game, such as altering the damage calculation rules or the number of experience points, and by adding new systems like the boss system, which rewards us with Knowledge Points for defeating them. This mod essentially selects the best elements from other mods and contributions from the Gothic community and integrates everything into one ultimate mod.

This mod offers a wide range of options for character creation and their combinations - there are 12 character classes and 3 subclasses in this mod, which can be combined with the main class (if appropriate). Unlike other mods, which you complete once or twice and then there's not much new to discover, New Balance can be played for several years and completed up to 20 times, without exhausting all the gameplay styles (there are many different character builds). This mod's longevity, which the hardcore community has been playing repeatedly for over 6 years, is further enhanced by the difficulty configuration options up to extremely challenging levels and many additional plugins and supplements that can make the game almost impossible to complete. There is also a submod called Magic Rebalance, which shifts this mod slightly more towards the style of games like Diablo and adds many new randomly generated items. The community for this mod is very lively and active, with new additions and updates continuously being released around this mod.

Attention! The mode assumes you know the world of Gothic 2, because in addition to the original game there are a huge number of new locations, quests, reworked mechanics.

If you haven't played Gothic 2 for too long, it's better to play through the original first.


- Quick and comfortable start at the beginning of the game (if you know Gothic 2).
- Tips/notes/books to help newcomers to the game
- Customizable difficulty - "Gothic"
- Improved quests from Returns and some locations. All locations/quests are now walkthroughs without tutorials and hints from the forums
- Huge amount of additional journal entries that clarify some points
- Three brand new locations with story and dubbing (2 large, 1 small) (created directly in New Balance mode).
- Lots of new gameplay/play mechanics (free bow aiming, magic).
- Slightly improved melee combat (some animations unlocked, controls and aiming more responsive)
- Many new classes and subclasses (factions)
- Option to play as a full mage or archer
- Several changes in all locations
- Huge amount of bug fixes / flaws in the engine
- There are about ~600 quests in the mode (400-450 when playing as a certain class).
- If you go through them calmly and listen to all the dialogues, you can go through about 150-200 hours
- If you skip the original dialogues and listen to the dialogues from the mode, it will be 90-100 hours, depending on your playing style, although some locations can be skipped and then it will take even less time.



Character Classes

  • Paladin

  • Fire Mage

  • Mercenary

  • Templar

  • Guru

  • Water Mage

  • Necromancer

  • Black Mage

  • Summoner

  • Dark Knight

  • Demon Hunter

  • Royal Scout


  • Shaman

  • Druid

  • Poison Master

New Side Guilds

  • Merchants' Guild

  • Hunters' Guild

  • Assassins' Guild

  • Each existing guild has been expanded with new quests.

  • Existing quests have been expanded, and new ones have been added:

    • Ability to become an apprentice of the Circle of Guardians.

    • The final battle against Raven takes place in "Raven's Nightmare" - a new dungeon.

    • Ability to complete quests for orcs in their city.

    • Each side guild has a series of quests to complete.


New Mechanics

  • Free aiming for magic and ranged weapons (crossbow, bow).

  • Ability to move while shooting with a bow and crossbow.

  • Ability to train a will-o'-the-wisp that helps collect items in the game.

New Locations

  • Orc City

  • Adanos Desert

  • Etlu Island

  • Fort Azgan

  • Assassins' Forest (Brotherhood of Masyaf)

  • Snowy Orc Mountains

  • Raven's Nightmare (dungeon)

  • Lost Brother (dungeon)

  • Valley of Shadows

  • Forgotten Island

  • Coastal Lands

  • Western Coast

Download Localizations

Half handmade half google translate
By F0rtuno and Winea
Handwritten Polish
(Kajma Discord)
By Magus
Handwritten Russian
Original version
Handwritten German
By FaChDa
Ai translate by TurinaR

List - Tables

By F0rtuno, GeorgeSC2
(Kajma Discord)

Guide - Quests

By F0rtuno, GeorgeSC2
(Kajma Discord)


By F0rtuno, GeorgeSC2
(Kajma Discord)

Mod installation


  • For playing New Balance, I also highly recommend playing with this texture pack, which fundamentally improves armor, weapons and environments (water, wall textures, barrels, etc). This pack changes several thousand textures from the original New Balance into much nicer looks and everything looks much better. The pack is available for download on the New Balance google drive by clicking the button above. You can find a gallery and information about this texture pack here on the site in the Texture packs menu section, or by clicking the button below this sentence.


  1. Install the clean game Gothic 2 Night of the Raven (e.g. via Steam)

  2. Download and install - Gothic 2 New Balance Installer

  3. English - There is a file NB Scripts (date) [EN vx].rar on the disk: copy files from "Data" folder to "Data "copy files from "system" folder to "system" folder

  4. (Optional) Extended mode - A mode that allows you to extend weapon and equipment upgrades. It is part of the game, but is disabled by default in the game - it must be turned on before you start a new gameIt is set manually: folder "system" -> Gothic.ini -> extModeActivate=0 to extModeActivate=1 (It is necessary to start a new game first to create these lines).

  5. (Optional) Old canceled quests -> If you want to play old quests that were originally canceled by the community (26 in total), you need to do this manually:Folder "system" -> Gothic.ini -> bOldQuestsAvailable=0 to bOldQuestsAvailable=1788301and also the quest with the sniffer: bSnapperQuestStart=0 to bSnapperQuestStart=1

  6. 6. (Optional) Extended mode - A mode that allows you to extend weapon and equipment upgrades. It is part of the game, but is disabled by default in the game - it must be turned on before starting a new game

  7. 7. (Optional) Alternate Ending - A mode that adds a new ending to the game. Place the NB_AnotherEnding.vdf file in the "data/plugins" folder.

  8. 8. (Optional) - Add-ons - If you want, download some add-ons from Google Drive that can make your gameplay more enjoyable.

  9. 9. I don't recommend newbies to download Magic Rebalance mode, as it is still undeveloped and is more for hardcore NB players.

ATTENTION - This mod has Updates!

  • This page describes only the basic information about the modification, if you want to learn about the latest changes, click on the button below where you can find all the news and updates for this mod, since the existence of this mod on our site.

NB author support on



- Liker
- LHaart


Magic Rebalance - Mod for New Balance

Introductory description

The goal of this modification is to expand the RPG component of New Balance. Mainly magic and enriching the overall gameplay. The mod includes: a new subclass for playing as a pure mage/lich; several secondary traits and mechanics for them; about a dozen schools of magic for development and twice as many passive skills; the ability to craft any scrolls in the game, a magic aura system, and over 30 auras to choose from; a new energy shield mechanic that doesn't depend on absorbing damage from NB; randomly generated loot from enemies and chests, random enemies and progressing game difficulty, and much more! There is a built-in configurator, for more flexible mod customization.

New Class - Defiled Mage

She is designed to be a pure mage who is only proficient in mana and incredibly weak in melee combat, but has an extraordinary aptitude for the arcane arts. With his own range of development (beyond normal character level) and skills, and good magical power. Can be said to be a Glass Canon (Great damage, but weak defense). How to get it? Loot the Tower of Xardas (the chest behind the grate at the start) to find the Ritual Scroll and use it.

Class Features:

- For each level the amount of hp equal to the current level is reduced.
- The health level cannot be higher than 2/3 of the current maximum hp (gradually decreasing to 66% at full health).
- The health limit is 5000.
- The hp regeneration skill is not taught!
- Mana prioritization - removes mana from lives when mana is scarce.
- Magic shield is available immediately (replaces hp).

Other specifics:

Luck - is the value that is responsible for random drops. Every 5 units increases the quantity and quality of loot by 2%.
Magic Power - this is not additional damage, but it is very close to it! This value is responsible for calculating many other values in the mod. It depends on intelligence and magic power.
Aura power - roughly the same as magic power.

Aura Distance - 100 units equals approximately a game meter.
The rest speaks for itself.

Schools of magic:

They affect damage (in the form of bonus damage) and other spell properties, provide bonuses to summoning, and boost healing. They allow you to activate auras and create scrolls of the appropriate school. The bonuses depend on the hero's Intelligence, Magic Power, and a bit of Mana stats. At higher levels, they open access to spells (runes) of the corresponding element (with the corresponding teachers).


There are the following schools:

**Fire** - Strengthens spells with the corresponding magical effect.
**Led**- Strengthens spells with the corresponding magical effect.
**Air** - Strengthens spells with the corresponding magical effect.
**Earth** - Strengthens spells with the corresponding magical effect.
**Electricity** - Strengthens spells with the corresponding magical effect.
**Light** - Strengthens spells against undead and the runes of guardians and paladins.
**Darkness** - Enhances the Dark Mage's spells and has a relationship with him.
**Death**- Classic necromancy. Empowers the undead and increases necromagic damage.
**Life** - Enhances healing spells and strengthens summoned animals.
**Golemology** - Strengthens summoned golems.
**Demonology** - Strengthens the spells of summoned demons.

Difficulty setting:

The mode allows you to set the additional difficulty of the game using options:
- Fixed percentage increase in xp/stats/monster and monster defense.
- Daily increase in hp/stats/monster and non-human defense by a set percentage.
- Increase difficulty by chapter
These settings can easily work simultaneously, adding to the overall difficulty of the game. They ignore limits (i.e. there can be 100500% HP monsters).

Random loot:

When all NPCs and intelligent creatures are killed, additional loot can be dynamically added on death. Mainly food, elixirs and various valuables, pouches and more. Also, for mages and magical monsters, magical scrolls and magical relics are added to the loot. And of course, everyone who logically should have gold can get some more gold in their wallets. Broken chests similarly have a chance at more loot, just with slightly higher odds. There are also random magical weapons and armor. NPCs can use magical weapons and shields. Armor is only included in the loot.

The probability and amount depends on the level of the hero and the monster/thief + various bonuses from items/auras.

Random potions:

This mod allows you to create a wide variety of different potions with both positive and negative effects that manifest over time!

Random enemies:

This mechanic brings the chance to create rare champion monsters into play. They have increased lives and strength, a higher chance of dropping random items, and more! The special abilities of an enemy depend on what suffixes and prefixes it has received. You can easily recognize such a monster - its name and size will be changed, don't forget about it.

Illustrative examples:

Unusual Huge Healthy Vicious Beastly Resistant Stone Fierce Fast Resistant Indestructible Powerful Infernal Strong Swift Ghostly And more...




Chaos of Life Dexterity of Strength of Protection Attack of Fire of Lava of Frost of Ice of the North Magic of Darkness of Darkness Poison of Blood Pain of Wind of Stone of Forest of Mud of Disease of Necromancy
Heat Corruption Poisoning Cuts of the Undiscovered Totems And more...

Additional monsters:

Additional monsters, like champions, have a configurable chance of being created.

These additional creatures can be champions depending on their chance of creation.

This system has two modes: static and range. Static mode simply inserts a specified minimum number of monsters if the chance is met. Range mode inserts a random amount ranging from minimum to maximum, including both edges.

Humans and bosses are not affected.

Another interesting feature is that duplication takes place the first time the engine "encounters" monsters on the map during movement (with a radius of approximately 100 meters) and with respect to line of sight! For example, when a group of shooters appear on screen, only one of them will be duplicated depending on the setting, while the others will not. Another creature (that happens to appear far away) can be duplicated after one second (if chance allows).


They require a certain maximum mana, proficiency level in a certain school of magic or magic circle to activate. They reserve a certain percentage of mana for their work. They have a radius and can be expanded to summons with a special skill. Auras have power and radius of effect. All of these parameters are calculated from the intelligence and strength indicators.

Types of auras:

Incinerate - Adds fire damage to attacks. (one-time)
Ice - Adds frost damage to attacks.
Revive - Increases health regeneration.
Spirituality - Increases mana regeneration.
Bloodlust** - A portion of the damage from attacks is taken as life.
Spiritual Exhaustion - Part of the damage from attacks is taken as mana.
Invisible Barriers - Provides and strengthens an energy shield.
Stone Skin - Increases the character's defense parameters.
Winds - Increases the chance of escape.
Muritana - Attacks apply poison. (Presence of the same key has no effect).
Holiness - Amplifies all damage against the undead. Attacking undead take damage.
Spark - Adds electricity damage to attacks.
Storming Magic - All outgoing magic damage is amplified.
Darkness - Magical damage dealt to attacks.
Greed - Increases the amount of gold found.
Horsepower - Increases stamina regeneration.
Antidotes - Immunity to poison.
Protection - Immunity against curses.
Elusive - Increases the hero's overall speed.
Resistances - Burns all mana until health is restored.
Bear Powers - Increases the hero's strength.
Feline Dexterity - Increases the character's agility.
Burn - Adds burn to all attacks.
Woods - When damaged, wolves may appear for defense. Summoned animals are stronger.
Foothills - Zombies may appear for defense when damaged. Summoned undead are stronger.
Thorns - Attackers get tangled in roots and get a dose of poison.
Undead- Curses all attackers.
Magical Visions - Increases the chance of finding magical items.
Freezing- Can freeze nearby enemies when attacking.
Inferno - Ignites nearby enemies on any attack.
Discharge - An electric wave when attacked.
Air Shield - Can cause a flurry when taking damage and stop enemies.
Impenetrability - Upon taking damage, a golem can appear to protect you.
Dark Covenant - Massive area damage and demonic helper when attacking players.
Hues of Rage - Massive bee damage to enemies when attacking the hero.

New skills:

Saturated Aura: Increases the effectiveness of all auras (power and range).
Battle Mage: Adds critical hit chance for spells and magical weapons.
Passive Meditation: Only further regeneration of magical power.
Ritual Master: Removes the limits of summoning with magical power (every 50 power + 1 summoning).
Unarmed combat: Magical robes provide an additional energy shield when worn.
Staff Master: Staffs have additional magical damage.
Sword Master: Swords have additional magical damage.
Energy Barrier: Increases the regeneration rate of the energy shield.
Thirst for Knowledge: Allows you to study one additional mastery of magic.
Internal Reserve: Regenerates mana quickly at low amounts, drawing out life. Triggers when mana is less than 25% and converts a portion of life to mana every 2 seconds. It's available on purified from the start!
Generosity of the Ruler: Some auras and their effects extend to summoned creatures if possible.
Summoned Demons: Summoned demons are 25% stronger (10 LP, cost: 2000).
Summon - Golems: Summoned golems are 25% stronger (10 LP, cost: 2000).
Summon Undead: Summon Undead are 25% stronger (10 LP, cost: 2000).
Summon - Creatures: Summoned creatures are 25% stronger (10 LP, cost: 2000).
Spirit Power: 1 more aura can be activated.

New runes:

Rune of Summoning Bone Shadow Beast (requires a skilled necromancer). Rune of Summoning Shadow Golem (requires mastery of golems and an expert in the magic of Darkness). Rune of Summoning Servant and Krayt are available for crafting.

Grimor and the dagger:

Scalable artifacts that can be developed at your discretion! They have their own experience level and only improve when equipped on the hero. When they reach a new level, they gain a skill point that can be freely invested using the menu mode. In addition to the honed bonuses, they increase a bit of magic and summoning/weapon damage with each level. They can be enchanted with a few in-game spells of their choice or choose special skills. This type of enchantment has its own level of development, and there is a chance to perform it when striking an enemy with any weapon. Can only be enchanted with one spell so far.

Gameplay and how to play:

It is highly recommended to start a new game! New skills and passives can be displayed in a special log in the inventory and are almost fully available to everyone. Auras and grimoires are available from Gallahad. Additional passives can be obtained through the menu mode. To upgrade a grimoire, it must be removed or the options will be unavailable!


  1. The list of updates, download link is here -

  2. Available on the disc is the old version of Magic Rebalance in fully manual Czech or the latest version of Magic Rebalance but in English (this is only what the mod adds, the rest of the New Balance stuff will be in classic Czech)

Manual Czech (old version)
By F0rtuno
New version - English/Polish
(Kajma Discord)
Original english - some things in polish
Ruční ruština
Original verze

ATTENTION - This mod has Updates!

  • This page describes only the basic information about the modification, if you want to learn about the latest changes, click on the button below where you can find all the news and updates for this mod, since the existence of this mod on our site.

©2023-2025 by F0rtuno - David Fojtík.

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