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Gothic 1: Time of Retribution

Version: 1.5 - Modification type: new story




Time of Retribution - created by theModders, one of the biggest Polish mods for Gothic. Time of Retribution presents the story of pirate Rick, who was shipwrecked along with others on the shores of the Mining Valley. The land that saved them has now become their curse. The colony is wracked by an internal conflict that is believed to be the work of the Nameless One. The modification offers new features such as dual sword combat, a heavily modified user interface, and an all-new soundtrack.


A large, brave, strong and above all proud crew of pirates sailed the seas of Myrtana. After the destruction of the human fleet by the Orcs, the pirates were strong and brave enough to attack the Orc galleys. But even a group as powerful as the pirates could be destroyed in a day, a night, a single moment. A moment of a terrible storm that swept everything in its path. Nevertheless, the four brave men survived the raging elements and made it to the penal colony of Khorinis, where they had to prepare for survival. To fight not animals, the sea, or even orcs, but something far worse. Humans. ...Do you want to know the true story of the Nameless One? If so, first you need to hear the story of a certain pirate who found himself in the wrong place at an even less opportune time. But it won't be a story of heroes, great deeds or sacrifice. It will be a simple story of survival, the strength of human character and not always good choices. You will also learn the truth about who the Nameless One might have been and why someone who lived in the shadows has not been mentioned in the legends. Enough with the empty words. Sit back and listen in on the true Time of Retribution...

General description

- Time of Retribution brings a whole new game storyline, changing and enriching locations and adding new ones.
- A huge number of new scripts that deeply affect the mechanics and other aspects of the game.
- A refreshed graphical design of the game and many new animations.
- Soundtrack composed by Igor "Triple" Czapski.
- Emphasis on details that are often overlooked in games.
- Completely professional approach to modding.

Plot and world

- The story takes place within chapters four through six of the base game.
- A new alignment of forces, created by the tension between the rebellion and the tyranny of Gomez and the Count.
- The main storyline is filled with many surprising twists and turns, with the story often taking unexpected detours.
- Long and complex subplots allow one to detach from the main plot.
- Many changes throughout the Punishment Colony, the new locations are much more interesting and detailed.
- Every important game event is presented through a cinematic trailer.
- A chance to meet the Nameless One and learn his fate from a different perspective.
- Estimated game time is between 40 and 60 hours, which includes approximately 150 challenges.

Mechanics and gameplay

- Increased game difficulty.
- External tool allowing detailed selection of innovations and features available at game start.
- Advanced system of acquiring skills that depend on the main attributes of the character.
- Possibility to modify the character's appearance in detail.
- Complexity and unconventional quest scheme.
- Respawn monsters.
- The player gains access to the Rune Sword, a powerful weapon that can release elemental energy when hit.
- Two-handedness allowing combat with two swords, enhanced with new animations.
- New spells such as Meteor, Holy Fire, Heal Allies, Weaken.
- Different types of ammunition for firearms.
- Potions temporarily increasing character attributes or adding special abilities.
- Opportunity to become a treasure hunter hidden underground.
- Recipe system allowing the creation of almost any item using blacksmithing and alchemy skills.
- Possibility of mining ores in mines and caves.
- Merchant equipment has been radically reduced, effectively increasing the balance of available items in the game. The most powerful weapons and equipment must be acquired or crafted.
- Graphical alerts informing about hazards and character status.
- The ability to temporarily sprint without using elixirs.
- Knowledge of lock picking is now required to unlock locks.
- A holdover from Rick's pirate past is the ability to use a compass.

Music and sound

- Professional soundtrack composed exclusively for modification purposes. The new soundtrack consists of thirty tracks to replace the original Gothic music.
- A series of new ambient sounds and other effects.


- The new textures feature a much higher degree of fidelity without disturbing the unique atmosphere of the war colony.
- Unique models created for modification purposes.
- Changed appearance of old locations due to changes that have occurred in the colony.
- Extensive amount of new particle effects.
- Unprecedented effects such as realistic water ripples, lighting and mirror reflections.
- Distinctive atmospheric weather phenomena to emphasize the character of the Trestanec Colony.
- A new atmospheric user interface that reflects the character and atmosphere.


The plot of Time of Retribution takes place in chapters four through six of the base version of Gothic, immediately after the collapse of the Old Mine, the assassination of the Fire Mages, and the attack on Free Mine by the Guardians of Old Camp.

Trouble and behind the scenes

The first hints of the project that would become one of the precursors to Time of Vengeance were in Gothic Stories, whose idea appeared around 2005 on the Gothic Modders forum; united around the most talented Orcwarrior, they quickly moved to their own forum, where some of the new users began working on a smaller and more amateurish project - a project eventually known as Dark Secrets.

By 2010, although the forum was still functioning, theModders team had nearly disbanded after Orcwarrior's departure, and the future of modding was uncertain. With the last members of the old team gone, a group of people from the forum joined the work to complete the mod, and on March 3, 2012, they managed to release a public beta. It wasn't completely playable, but persistent beta testers helped to gradually fix specific bugs by reporting them to the team.

Interesting fact

In a modification of the Chronicles of Myrtana: Archolos, the house of the usurer in Archolos was named Time of Retribution. This is the creators' link to that modification.

Download modifcation/localization

Edited google translate by F0rtuno


DeepL translate by GeorgeSC



 - Install Gothic 1.

- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union (Pictures bellow)


- Download and install Time of Retribution

- If you want to play with Directx11 graphical enhancement download and place in your system folder -

- If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast picking, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.

Union and plugins section here -

Alternative font style for high resolution


Download an alternative font style for high resolution below (you need to delete the previous fonts from the data folder.


- TheModders

Translated from the Polish version

    Translation by F0rtuno



©2023-2025 by F0rtuno - David Fojtík.

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