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Gothic 1: The long voyage home

Type of modification: Enhancement

Mod Localization:

Mod Information

The Long Voyage Home is a Russian modification of Gothic. It was created by two Russian modders named alex_draven and MaGoth. Taliasan, Luk, SilvestroX, Naruto16321 and Ward Master premiered in Russia in December 2010 and in Poland on December 29, 2012. The modification depicts a vision of events in which an unnamed prisoner is sent to the Mining Valley instead of the Nameless One. The modification considers the world of convicts from the perspective of a woman who, like the Nameless Hero, must face all difficulties and ultimately defeat the Sleeper.

Modification status: Development complete ( ~100% )

Release date: 31.12.2010

Update date: 04.05.2017 | 08.04.2018 | 13. 10. 2021 | 01.11.21


The modification mainly changes the beginning of the game. Instead of a video in which the hero is thrown into the barrier, the player is presented with a video in which the heroine and the Nameless One meet in the port of Khorinis, where the city judge appears to pass a preliminary sentence on the two convicts. Nameless refuses her captivity and breaks her chains, then overpowers the guards. He decides to escape on a boat, but before the boat is hijacked, he kicks Nameless in the face. The prisoner's escape does not end well, however, as the guard hits her with a crossbow bolt. The injured woman allows herself to be carried away by the fishing boat until she ends up in the Miner's Valley - ironically, the place where she was supposed to end up anyway. On the shore, the heroine quickly creates a healing potion and decides to find a place for herself in a new land. Nameless knows alchemy and can run, so she quickly makes her way through the forest and arrives at the nearest human settlement: the Old Camp or the Sect Camp. The protagonist is familiar with the intricacies of the penal world, and must survive in the penal colony and join the camp. The rest of the plot is the same as in the basic Gothic. Nameless has different armor due to her gender. The authors have prepared female versions of each armor. The heroine also acquires new weapons that are adapted to her different fighting style - Nameless relies on attack speed and develops her strength much more slowly. The last significant change is the ending of the game. Whereas in Outro Nameless is crushed by rocks after driving off Sleeper, the heroine is pulled from under the rubble by a summoned skeleton who guides her through an open portal.

  • The heroine;

  • New weapon and armor models;

  • Intro and outro created on the Gothic engine;

  • Unchanged story of the original game;

  • Dual sword combat; Modified combat animations for the heroine

  • Modified combat animations for the main heroine;

  • Sprint Skill;

  • Opportunity to become a guru;

  • Alchemy

Download modification

Download modifcation/localization

Improved auto-translation
By F0rtuno
Handwritten Polish
Manual English
By Nihilusus
Manual Russian
Original version



 - Install Gothic 1.

- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union (Pictures bellow)


- Download and install the mod Long Way Home

- Download and move the Long Way Home mod to your Gothic folder.

- If you want to play with the Directx11 graphics enhancement download and place in the system folder -

- If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast picking, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.

Union and plugins section here -

Alternative font style for high resolution

Download an alternative font style for high resolution below (you need to delete the previous fonts from the data folder.


- TheModders

    Překlad - F0rtuno


Modification authors

-  alex_draven

- MaGoth

©2023-2025 by F0rtuno - David Fojtík.

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