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Gothic 2: Odyssey 2 - The Dark Age

Version: in development -Modification type: new story

Introductory word

"Our sequel takes place in the 'Southern Islands', after the events of Gothic III. On the mainland, the following scenario has unfolded: King Rhobar II is dead. The exact circumstances of his death remain unclear. People who have learned of his death know different versions. Some believe in one, others in another. People are unsettled because the king's death has led to chaos and civil war. And it ended the triumph against the orcs. They only ruled a few cities in Myrtana and believed they would soon be completely driven out of the land. But now various factions of the empire have nothing better to do than fight and avoid each other, lest they ally with the orcs. Then another danger looms that people have no idea about. After the gods lost their power on Earth, their servants sought ways to regain it. While the servants of Innos and Adanos explored ancient magic in ancient libraries, Beliar's supporters searched in caves and ruins for ancient portals to make contact with the underworld. Baal Handshar may have been destroyed, but his servants hope that with the help of demonic beings, they will finally establish the rule of the dark god. However, people on the 'Southern Islands' don't think much about what's happening on the mainland. Rebels who fought Rhobar's paladins on the main islands now have their hour to liberate themselves from the Myrtanian dominance, and the overseas trading guild of Araxos is all too eager to adapt to the new conditions if it benefits their business. The merchants of the Guild don't believe, as others do, that the end of the gods means the beginning of a dark medieval era. They believe that only the rule of gods, kings, and wizards has ended and a new era has begun. The era of merchants and good deals. Gold is now the name of the god many serve. Without wanting to set on Arcania, we leave open how many areas belong to the 'Southern Islands'. So there could be four islands of the world of Arcania. We leave that to your imagination. Areas in the Dark Age will have mixed climates. They could be islands like Khorinis and tropical islands. Our story initially takes place on the tropical island of Kratos with the city of Gran Puerto. Kratos is one of the main bases of the overseas trading guild of Araxos. Ships from various areas of the world are in the harbor. Gran Puerto is ruled by the 'High Council', composed of a handful of merchants. The city is surrounded by high walls and... well-paid mercenaries called Guardians. Sugar cane and wine are grown on the island. There is also a mine in close proximity to the city. The work is done by convicts. Although they are strictly guarded, many have managed to escape and find a new community in the jungle, known as the 'lost' call. In addition to this community, pirates have established a base at the other end of the island. The merchant guild has made a deal with the pirates to stay away from them, to be spared. Occasionally, they buy captives from pirates and pay them money for protection to keep their ships undisturbed. Despite this agreement, there have been increasing cases of pirate attacks lately. Therefore, the High Council has not decided whether to accept, cancel, or negotiate with the pirates again. At this moment, our hero will reach the island. In the Dark Age, you play as a new character whose personality and initial attributes you can determine yourself. The player has the option to join several guilds. Initially, around 100 quests are planned. A key feature will be that there will be only a few short quests, ideally not more. Tasks should be more complex and should involve several dialogue options. Decisions should have consequences. The choice of character should also determine NPC behavior. If you play a character with a criminal past, citizens will be much more hostile towards you, and you will have trouble gaining their trust. On the other hand, you are more likely to be able to join a gang of thieves and learn appropriate talents from them. If, on the other hand, you are a merchant, craftsman, or soldier, the citizens of the city will be much more willing to support the hero. Thieves, on the other hand, distrust such a character. We are also considering giving players the option to play as a female character and an orc. Despite the title 'Odyssey II', this installment will not be as gigantic as the first. We chose it because the story content follows on from the first part."


  • Despite the name "Odyssey", this mode won't be as gigantic as the first one. However, we chose it because the story follows the first one.

  • Most of the talents from Odyssey can also be learned in Dark Age.

  • You can join several guilds.

  • New animations and professions will be added.

  • There will be new monsters.

  • There will be new music tracks.

  • And much more.


  • Release: Only the gods know.


  • Since there are only three of us working on Dark Age at the moment, we could use some help. Especially someone who can create good textures for armor and monsters. In addition, support with Spacer would be very helpful, as it keeps us busy for a long time. We will also need a video maker later on. If you are interested, you can contact me.



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©2023-2025 by F0rtuno - David Fojtík.

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