Gothic 2: Sailors of the Storm
Version: in development -Modification type: new story
Mod Information
"Sea Dogs: Stormy Seas" is a tale of ordinary people living in extraordinary times. In an era of violence and war, play as a young deserter from the royal army whose sole desire is to return home. Experience adventures that will change your perception of the Gothic world. Choose between evil and the greater evil. Decide on the life and death of others. Experience the consequences of your actions. And curse the gods who passively witness the suffering of people on the Archipelago.
The protagonist of the modification, deserter Elrik

"By the grace of our Lord Innos and to his glory, I have sailed around the entire world, hitherto completely unknown to mankind. During this expedition, I traversed many lands of which others had no inkling. I saw boundless snowy expanses in the north, where eternal winter reigns. In the far west, I beheld swamps that seemed endless. To the south, I crossed seas teeming with monsters, where countless small islands with warm climates abound, inhabited by unknown people resembling southerners. I saw great volcanoes, on whose slopes western kings built their states. I witnessed wonders and miracles that one would search for in vain in Myrtana or in the East..." Excerpt from the diary of Gustav von Aalen, the first man to circumnavigate the continent.

"The island of Khelen is full of intriguing stories. Here is an excerpt from one of them, which tells the tale of the ancestor of the bailiff Alsam.
"The first mention of the Sabelrot lineage can be found in the annals of Laran, where Vagarmand, the founder of the lineage, is mentioned. Vagarmand, known as the Beastslayer, was a mercenary warrior who became famous in the history of the island of Khelen for slaying a fiery beast that plagued its inhabitants. Thanks to this deed, he was celebrated as a hero, and the ruler of Khelen granted him land at the western end of the island, a noble title, and a coat of arms depicting a fiery lizard, the creature the young man had slain."

Fractions and information
The Heretics, who call themselves Phoenix's Children, are a group of people who have renounced the three gods. They are led by the renegade mage from the Water Circle - Kadmal. Kadmal has long criticized the passivity of his brethren in the Water Circle, as well as the hypocrisy and power-hunger of the Fire Mages. He denounced the decisions of the elder mages and increasingly distanced himself from the structures of Adanos's Church. Several months ago, Kadmal, along with two other mages who shared his views - Dagomer and Rothur - experienced a strange vision. The fiery bird Phoenix appeared to them and showed them the location of its power: the Great Caverns in the south of the island, where it once had its nest. It told them to go there and gather those like themselves... "...And then I saw it. It shone before me like a rainbow, dazzling me with its radiance. Join us, and you too will behold the majesty of the Phoenix..."
Symbolism: The Heretics use a stylized image of an eye with rays emanating from it.
Magic staffs
The mercenaries hired by Alsam are an elite unit of warriors. They have become renowned for their battles against the orcs in Archolos and are famed for their skills. Officially, they are hired to protect Alsam's domain from the orcs, but the leader of the unit, Tondryk, hails from Khelen and, like Alsam, would like to cleanse the island of Myrtanians. Anyone who passes the loyalty test is accepted as a recruit, and if they are ambitious, they may hope to prove their worth and be accepted into Alsam's mercenary company... "...Prove your loyalty, show your worth. Our society is only for the toughest; we don't need the average..."
Symbolism: The mercenaries bear the coat of arms of the Sabelrot lineage - the fiery beast that was defeated by Alsam's ancestor.
Two-handed weapons and crossbows
The Guards and Archers are two organizations in the service of the Governor of Khelen. Anyone with a head on their shoulders can enlist as an archer - equipped with light armor and a good bow, they're meant for dirty work. If one performs their duties well, they can hope for promotion and a place in the Governor's personal guard, an elite unit of archers. In the port city, there is much talk of generous rewards that the Governor's loyal servants can expect, but they are not held in high regard by the local residents. Especially in the dark alleys of the port... "...Now is not the time for fair play. If you want to get somewhere, you have to seize every opportunity. Besides, it's good to have a few influential friends..."
Symbolism: Both the Guards and Archers are distinguished by the red colors of Myrtana and the royal coat of arms.
Light weapons for close combat
??????? * *** is a group of warriors and mages in the service of ??????. They are tasked with eliminating all manifestations of ????????? **. Little is known about them; it is said that they are planning for a more effective fight against the enemy... "...You don't even know what you've gotten yourself into. There's no turning back now, you're one of us..."
Symbolism: We all strive to engage in battle with the enemy:

Question: Where and when does the plot of the Sailors of the Storm mod take place?
A: The mod takes place three years before the events of G1, on one of the islands of the Eastern Archipelago - Khelen.
Question: Who is the main character?
A: The main character is Elrik, a young farmer from Laran who was forcibly conscripted into the royal army.
Question: How big is the island of Khelen and what is its climate?
A: The island is larger than NewWorld from G2, estimated to be the size of the combined zen of Khorinis and the Mining Valley. Khelen's climate is not unlike that seen on Khorinis, but don't expect the tropical atmosphere of Night of the Raven.
Question: How long will the game be?
Answer. However, the modification will be long and we estimate it will only last as long as G2 with Night of the Raven.
Question: Will there be a dub?
A: Yes.
Question: Will the modification get its own soundtrack?
A: Yes, the modification will get its own special soundtrack, inspired by the work of Kai Rosenkranz.
Question: When will the modification be released?
A: Traditionally: as soon as we finish the modification.
Question: Will the modification be available on Steam?
A: Time will tell, we will answer closer to release.
Three translated stories into Czech - Příběhy z Východu
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