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Gothic 3: New Animation

Mod Type - New Animations

Mod info

Animation acceleration and several new animations
Makes the game more dynamic.

This mod is compatible with the Union+ mod pack.

Changed common one-handed weapon attacks.
Added new animation for one-handed weapon power attack.
Accelerated animation of one-handed weapon power attacks.
Removed the bending animation after the fourth one-handed weapon strike.
Changed and sped up animations for power attacks, normal attacks, and quick attacks with two-handed sword.
Modified axe animations.
Accelerated animation of stab attacks.
Accelerated animation of fast one-handed weapon attacks.
Accelerated animation of strikes when the protagonist is holding a torch.
Modified dodge animation.


- Speeded up animations and some new animations.
- Combo attacks using right and left mouse button timing.

Download mod

Installing the mod

Installation: Gothic 3 FG
1. Create a backup of the original _compiledAnimation.pak file.
2. Move the downloaded file with replacement _compiledAnimation.pak to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3\Data.

Installation: Gothic 3
1. Make a backup of the original _compiledAnimation.pak and _compiledAnimation.p00 files.
2. Move the Data and Scripts folder from the replacement archive to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3.
3. Delete the _compiledAnimation.p00 file.
The mod is not compatible with IntuitiveCombatSystem.

Installation: Gothic 3 Union+
1. Make a backup of the original _compiledAnimation.pak and _compiledAnimation.p00 files.
2. Move the Data and Scripts folder from the replacement archive to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic 3. Move the Data and Scripts folder from the replacement archive to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Gothic.
3. Delete the _compiledAnimation.p00 file.
4. Install the Union+ build.
The mod is not compatible with IntuitiveCombatSystem.

Authors of the modification


©2023-2025 by F0rtuno - David Fojtík.

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