Gothic 1: People from Valley Of Mines + Golden mod
Modification Type: Enhancement
Mod Localization:

Mod Information
The main purpose of the modification is to add new characters and plot threads. In addition, many characters that were not used in Gothic become more important in this modification with new quests and dialogue. The Polish version of the modification is a mix of the People of the Mining Valley modification and the Golden mod created by someone who calls himself CERBERBOSS. The author added his own content to it. Golden Mod aims to expand the original storyline, make it more non-linear and add content cut from Piranha Bytes' Gothic.
Modification transit time approximately 35-55h
more than 50 long and elaborate quests straight from the mods, such as Velaya - the story of a warrior woman.
The original "mobile" inn that moves around the Colony area
new teachers
New merchants
New long dialogues, also with characters from Gothic 1
the possibility of becoming a Guru
the opportunity to join Quentin's camp and complete missions for the Bandits
the possibility to attack the Free Mine with the Guardians
the possibility to visit an abandoned mine
Puzzle challenges that require the player to think
armour that was not used in Gothic (Royal Guard armour, Judge's robes, heavy Guard armour).
New NPC sound design
Guild-dependent character walk
possibility to set up your own independent camp
significantly increased role of female characters
New items, including many new books
Camp in front of the Old Mine
and much more
Download modifcation/localization

Improved auto-translation
By F0rtuno

Handwritten Polish
By AhnBael, metek58, smox

Database G1 + Google translate by F0rtuno
- Install Gothic 1.
- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union
- https://www.myrtana.net/_files/archives/2c0a43_9a5ea73fec6c404a9b259677d55fa059.rar?dn=Resource%20Manager.rar (Pictures bellow)

- Download and install People of the Mining Valley + Golden Mod
- If you want to play with the Directx11 graphical enhancement download and place in the system folder - https://github.com/SaiyansKing/GD3D11/releases
- If you want to play with plugins like time speed up, fast collect, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.
Union and plugins section here - https://www.myrtana.net/union-pluginy