Gothic 2: Lobos
Version: 1- Modification type: new story
Mod Information
Modification Type : New Story
Modification duration : 20-30h (If you play at 100% and do everything, longer).
A word of introduction...
I created this project with a passion that often approached obsession, resulting in lack of sleep, giving up work and social life. I started creating the mod on Christmas Eve 2014 and finished it in October 2020. I will miss it for a while, but the time has finally come to release the mod and live on.
General Information:
- 94 quests (including 2-3 informative and guide quests)
- 4 original worlds (+ 1 for prologue)
- 6849 lines of dialogue.
- More than 300 NPCs.
- 3 chapters.
- Prologue
A long time ago... At the height of its power, the Kingdom of Lobos continues to expand.... With its strength and powerful military superiority, it is rapidly conquering and taking new territories. Enticed by the vision of endlessly growing power, the Lord of Lobos sends an expedition - an elite legion made up of the best soldiers of the Lobos army - to a special corner of the land - the valleys of the humid tropical forests, rich in gold and magical ore, but also the home of various dangerous beasts. Lured by rumours of gold, the valley soon becomes the focus of various adventurers and bandits. As a result, the great Neptune, commander of the whole expedition, issues a special decree that only those with the necessary permissions may stay in the valley. Many weeks later, three farmer friends with the soul of adventurers and the desire to get rich quick set off on an expedition to this dangerous tropical region, not fully aware of the dangers that lurk there. After a long trek through the mountains, they manage to discover a completely empty cave with golden boulders without much effort. But the joy of the Sunday adventurers does not last long...
The idea behind this mod
I mean, what I was particularly interested in and struggled with was the attention to detail and logic, so that everything in the mod found its justification without being taken out of context and being just a random modder's imagination. Unthought out dialogues and quests, powerful artifacts or other "mega" weapons that we use to chop up most of the monsters already in the middle of the game are phenomena that effectively take away from the desire to play. I focused on making the game more "realistic", including the world, dialogues, economy, characters, monsters and items, where cool equipment or gold doesn't just roll around, but you have to work for it.
The game environment
Meat or other food that can be eaten doesn't just lie on the ground, as insects would immediately pounce on it. The same goes for plants that don't grow in deserts or on rocks (with a few exceptions).
Game balance
A properly set difficulty level ensures that the game is never too easy, which was the case in the original game. The equipment to be acquired has also been adapted to the appropriate stage of the game. There will be no shortage of weapons in the modification: swords, axes, jewels to wear or bonus items that can and should be changed regularly. Most RPGs are based on the constant evolution of the character we play as. Modding is designed to put even more emphasis on this, which is very noticeable if we develop it too poorly. However, it gives room for both players who don't like to exp high levels and those who like to do them and maximize stats. Depending on the skills, the player can choose how much they want to develop their character. The balance is balanced so that even the average player can handle it.
Both the archer skill game and the strength and weapons 1h/2h game are balanced. It should be mentioned here that damage scaling remains unchanged from the original Gothic 2 Night of the Raven. Crossbows and one-handed weapons under Dexterity have therefore been adjusted accordingly. The basket of lore is always 5 Knowledge points for 5 attribute/skill points.
Change the walking style depending on the hero's "rank".
You will need to earn it through honest/ dishonest work and/or more effort. Gold is harder to get, it's not enough to just explore.
Learning must be paid for with gold and sometimes favors.
Detours, hidden places, secrets.
More ambitious players who like hack n' slash and see "60 exp" instead of "wolf" are in for a considerable challenge and a lot of fun. (The range of requirements/stats is quite wide, starting from the 5th attribute point all the way up to the 370th).
There will be three versions of this mod available for download - the Basic version, which includes everything mentioned above, the Ultra+ version and the Definitive Edition version, which will differ from the original as follows.

List of important changes in the Definitive Edition version of Lobos
Complete Polish dubbing for the mod recorded by me, players, fans, and professional actors.
Added magic and the ability to play as a mage.
Three difficulty levels (story, balanced, ultra).
New development path for Legionnaires-Mages along with a new set of armor exclusively for them.
Added 5 new skills, including 2 for mages.
Ability to scale spell damage with mana.
New items (swords, costumes, armor, plants, runes, books, potions, various items, relics).
Expanded locations.
New ZEN (new map).
New NPCs and monsters.
Pirates will appear in the mod.
New plots and dialogues.
Improved mod ending.
Arena battles.
Temporary enhancements to increase combat skills, statistics, and protection.
Added partial respawn of monsters from Chapter 4 in the late game of Chapter 3.
Added bosses who give better loot than their common counterparts among monsters/NPCs. In addition, the player receives learning points for defeating each boss.
Teleportation map for fast travel if the player has previously discovered a given location.
From now on, Lord Santos will impose a fine for attacking soldiers as a member of the Legion, and if the player continues to violate the Legion's code, they will face punishment resulting in permanent loss of life points.
Ability to pray to Orion on a similar basis to Gothic 2.
Reevaluated damage and requirements for all available weapons plus balanced magic in the mod.
Intro and outro have been added to the mod.
Fixed bug with shooting NPCs and running around aimlessly in the temple.
Added superiors' reactions when the hero enters the crypt.
Added more arrows and bolts for merchants.
Added the option to learn basic trophies in Chapter 1 if you fail in hunting.
Added the option to learn to tear off the horns of shadow creatures and give them to Prahlov for gold and experience points.
New statistics and diary entries.
Fixed routines of Jocke and the Guardian, which caused these characters to die and disappear for some players.
Rebalanced weapon reach and added information in the weapon description.
Fixed item names on highlight; all scrolls and potions have the precise full name instead of "Potion" or "Scroll".
Overhauled and improved pickpocketing system.
Další změny v Definitive Edition verzi modu Lobos
The ability to exchange old coins for new unique items.
Reduced the number of monsters and their respawn in some chapter-specific locations.
Removed tobacco from the loot of heavy leather packs.
Added a teleport between the valley and the cave.
Added jewelry for mages similar to those for warriors.
Added a belt for mages.
Some NPCs will be immortal from now until Chapter 3.
Added the ability to harvest demonic razors, shadow beasts, wargs, and wolves for their skin.
More recipes added, including a soup recipe that provides a permanent mana bonus.
Fixed the appearance of Grotty's key when the player kills Caesar outright without conversation.
Fixed the march with Balor in the desert. From now on, it's not possible to enter the village with soldiers.
More dark plot twists.
Slightly weakened NPCs in the mine in Chapter 1 to make it easier for players to fight in the early stages of the game.
Added more items to acquire.
Added the ability to upgrade the best weapons in the game at Carlos: Soul Thief, Axe of the War God, War Master's Bow, World Splitter.
Weapon upgrades result in the loss of weapon skill bonuses, but their damage significantly increases.
Some plants and foods restore different amounts of health and mana. Beer, wine, and gin now restore more mana.
Dark mushrooms now restore 10 mana points instead of 5 health points.
Considerably weak damage from one-handed weapons within dexterity in Chapter 3 has been taken into account.
Considerably weak damage from crossbows within strength in Chapter 3 has been taken into account.
The Biologist's research tasks series has been expanded by one task to an elite level.
Fixed font color, which made it difficult to navigate the task journal with DirecX 11.
Fixed the bug where Saiman got stuck on a platform in the mine.
Fixed the procedures of Santos and Wascar when going after Lupin in the crypt.
Dialog with Lukan is no longer required to continue the game.
Fixed the launch of bandits, Malik, and Henry in the mission from the warden Santos.
Fixed the "Messenger" task getting stuck in the journal if not completed after becoming a soldier.
Fixed a bug with Lord Mordrag, who killed soldiers by not working properly with the "Breath of Death" rune.
Dialog with the adept under the swamp is no longer required to continue the game.
The mine in the desert near the village, which contained nothing but 3 sulfur nuggets, has been further improved.
The mana bonus in the fiery pit has been removed. (Players were eating it and had nothing to create protective soups from).
A +10 bonus to two-handed weapon combat has been added to the Axe of the War God.
Mana potions have been added for purchase at the Biologist and Vita.
From now on, upon entering the Legion, you can choose a weapon according to what you play for (2 of them are unique and cannot be obtained otherwise).
From now on, upon entering the guard, you can choose the type of equipment you want to get from Gratus. (Combat mage or soldier) The choice depends on the development of our character.
Incorrect display of armor statistics in the dialogue with Gratus and Fuad depending on the difficulty level has been fixed.
The best weapon in each category now has a pfx effect (it will glow).
Fixed the display of protection height in the statistics window above 300.
The best weapon and armor can be obtained slightly earlier than in the base mode.
More shadow creatures added to the game.
From now on, you can get more books in Ludvík's task.
Fixed dialog with Abraham in case his brother dies.
Fixed a bug with Balor disappearing at the gate after completing the task in the desert.
Black phantoms received sound effects.
Information about the progress of the palisade repairs has been added to the screen.
Information on the screen has been added when we kill all bugs for Hiaga.
If Benito dies during Taddeo's mission, the player will receive on-screen information and will still be able to complete the task.
Item descriptions, including potions, have been standardized.
From now on, in the 5th task in the Biologist's research task series, the biologist gives us one predetermined potion depending on the player's attributes.
It now requires two essences instead of three to brew full health and full mana potions.

Hints and tips for the Lobos mod:

How not to be a noob:

Translated by translator from the official modification website. Source here- https://www.gothic2lobos.com
Download modification and info:

Gothic 2 database + google translate by F0rtuno

Original version

Gothic 2 database + google translate by F0rtuno
Install a clean Gothic 2 NotR.
Download and install systempack and playerkit for Gothic 2 from https://github.com/GothicFixTeam/GothicFix/releases.
Download and move the Lobos mod to the Gothic folder.
If you want to play with DirectX11 graphical enhancement, download and place it in the system folder from https://github.com/kirides/GD3D11/releases.
If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast looting, new inventory, etc., download and install them via the Resource Manager - Union 1.0m from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10snqjFnWaLEodLyhcknYTs_fjpuHCSCg.
Check out the Union section on the website and choose the plugin you want, or simply install all of them.
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