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Gothic 2: Návraty 2.0 - Buddygoths and Tentarrs Version

Modification Type - Enhancement

Mod localization:

Mod info

This version is based on the last version of Returning 2.0 released by Trazeg, version 2.0066.2, which was completely reworked and balanced by the author and creator Buddygoth. There are also various minor features that he has redesigned or added. Overall, Buddy has also worked on the feel of the game, there are five difficulty levels that have been adjusted to LP and experience points, so it can be a little harder or more like the original again, so you can experience your abilities more freely.

The translation of Return 1 was woven into the game almost as well as the original. The original story has been preserved and all tasks from the Russian version are included.

Big thanks to Tentarra who was on hand to advise and go through all the lyrics with Buddygoth.
Tentarr also enriched many quests with new ideas.

First of all, there is no need to install the system package, it comes with Return 2.0. This is a package specially adapted for Returning. If you want to use your own, you do so at your own risk!
Use of patches is also at your own risk! The DX11 renderer from Kirides is also installed.

**Important! The game is not compatible with the Union system!**


* Mod runs stably even with DX11 renderer
* Added hardcore difficulty
* Added treasure hunt quest
* Onar's escort quest is now playable
* Custom camp is now playable
* New companions like Mika, Alligator Jack and Jergan
* Improved quest for Galahad
* Improved quest for Luther
* Improved learning system
* Improved dice game
* Improved poison system
* Improved ore mining
* Apprentice can now also learn from other masters
* Improved teleport system
* Improved Brotherhood entry
* New rings, amulets and belts to conquer
* Improved spell system
* Free aim for ranged weapons and spells
* Goblin and lizard heart potions
* Improved wood usage and bow crafting
* Improved smithing and ore smelting
* Improved baking and cooking of meat
* Rats are now large and hostile again
* Felled trees can be walked over and no longer block the path
* Adaptation of plants and food
* Improved stamina system
* Improved minimal damage
* Improved alchemy and crafting of all items
* Improved praying at shrines (difficulty can be changed) and much more

Download localization

Installing the mod

- Install Gothic

- Install Returns + install Czech/move English to the game

You can find more information about the Czech version and other related things here -

Authors of the modification

- Returning MOD TEAM
AST & SystemPack Team
- Buddygoth
- Tentarr
- Dragohard

©2023-2025 by F0rtuno - David Fojtík.

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