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Gothic 2: New Adventure

Version: 2.1 - Modification type: Enhancement



Mod Information


Platform for the game: "Gothic 2 - Night of the Raven"
Working title: Gothic II - New Adventures
Type of modification: Expansion of the original game
Release date: May 8, 2024
Modification languages: Russian, Google Czech, original + Google English
Current version: 2.0
Modification size: 1.5 GB (unzipped) and 930 MB (archived)
Author/Developer: gggg12345678!
Script expanders: Ikarus, Lego


  • - This mod greatly expands the original game.
    - It adds new gameplay features, several new characters, new quests, and new items,
    allows you to try out the role of a water mage, changes the game balance, expands the game world, etc.
    - All the while, the mod is aimed at keeping the same "Gothic" feel.

Materials used in the mod:

- Gothic High Resolution FONT (by Myxomop);
- Script packages Ikarus/Lego (by Sektenspinner/Lehona & Gottfried);
- Texture Pack By Artemiano (by Artemiano);
- Lobos for the idea of creating the menu (by Lobos);
- MW7 - for help with realizing some ideas;
- Slavemaster - for useful patches for Union;
- Some materials from the German modder database (by Fisk2033, MonsterMadness, Draxes, Ska-Ara, Redmatixx, Bloodfly91, Raksza, Mighty_He-Man, Rolland, Herobrine, mud-freak, Ingeborg, mark56, Julius);
- Anaël, Miri, Druid, Phoenix_NewDragon, BloodwinSnow, Vismyt Play, Sergey Boreyko for character voice acting;
- Vismyt Play, HitManiak, Anton Buryatsky for extensive testing of the modification.

Complete Changelog - General


- Integrated texture pack by Artemiano with custom modifications, including the introduction of autumn into the game
- Fonts introduced - Gothic High Resolution FONT
- Implementation of a new menu. Inspiration was taken from the Lobos mod, adjusted and adapted to the realities of this mod
- Changed character attribute window
- New full-fledged guild for progression - Water Mage, which has unique properties compared to other guilds
- The ability to become an apprentice to Matteo, with all masters having their unique characteristics
- New daily routines and states for characters (training with firearms, chopping wood, etc.), their rearmament, and enhancement of attributes
- Introduction of old and new characters into the game. Interaction with them and new quests (now over 20)
- Many new and diverse gameplay features (poison, regeneration, blood on the screen, etc.)
- Many new items (armor, weapons, potions, books, etc.)
- Expanded and revitalized game worlds with items, interiors, and objects
- New companion-mercenary Felix. Implemented according to the old model, will be fully redesigned in the update. Currently useful due to a different balance (the time period after which he requests payment for his services has also been extended)



Changes in the masters in Khorinis:

Added the possibility to become an apprentice under Matteo:
- Matteo will redeem various items and the range of items will expand as the chapters progress (for example, in chapter 1 he redeems only alcohol, in chapter 2 more items are added, etc.).
Changes to Harada:
- Harad's earnings have been adjusted to reflect changes in the blacksmithing craft. He accepts all swords (one-handed and two-handed) in place of self-bladed weapons.
Apprenticeship Benefits:
- Upon entering the apprenticeship, various bonuses and clothing are granted based on the chosen craft.
New quests for each master:
- Each master now has several new quests, divided by chapter

New guild for the passage - Water Mages:

Become a Water Mage:

- You can become a Water Mage in the first chapter after completing quests from the Water Mages and the Circle of Water (a total of 5 quests must be completed to enter the guild)
Training in Khorinis:
- In Khorinis, the hero can only receive instruction in the first Circle of Magic and the corresponding spells. Everything else is available in Jharkendar.
Side quests in Jharkendar:
- Several guild side quests have been added for water mages in Jharkendar.
Transfer Ornament:
- To complete one of the quests, the ornament from the stone circle that Lord Hagen had was transferred to the paladin Lothar
Trade Inventory:
- When Cronos moves from Khorinis to Jharkendar, his trade inventory moves with him
Faster Mana Regeneration:
- In Jharkendar, it is possible to gain mana regeneration by purchasing a specific item
Reward after restoring the Eye of Innose:
- After restoring the Eye of Innose, the hero receives a heavy water mage cloak from Vatras
Hero's Changed Gait:
- When entering the guild, the hero's gait changes


Militia and Paladin changes:
Payments to members of the Home Guard:
- When joining a militia guild, the hero can receive a daily salary (50 gold coins).
Heavy armor of the militia
- If certain conditions are met, Lord Andre may decide to sell the hero the militia's heavy armor before the hero sets out for the Mining Valley
Peck as a merchant for the militia:
- Peck now works as a merchant for the militia, offering a rather interesting assortment of goods
Training with Wulfgar and Ruga:
- Wulfgar teaches militia members and paladins weapon proficiency up to 75%, while the others only up to 50%. Ruga teaches the militia members crossbow skills up to 45%.
- Mortis, in addition to strength, can also teach the hero blacksmithing
Training with Keroloth and Udar:
- Keroloth teaches paladins, militia members and mages in the Mining Valley up to 75%, while the others only up to 55%.
- Udar teaches his crossbow up to 90%, while the others only up to 60%.
Special items for guild members:
- Merchants in the Mining Valley have certain goods for their members that are not available to other guilds
Altered Hero's Gait:
- The hero's gait changes when he enters the guild.

Changes in the monastery

Teaching magic:
- The mages of the monastery no longer teach magic unrelated to fire magic
Teaching modifications for novices:
- The limits on teaching skills to novices have been reviewed.
Mana Regeneration:
- In the monastery, both mages and novices have the option to gain mana regeneration by purchasing a specific item
Changed range for fire mages:
- The item assortment for fire mages has been significantly changed.
Changed Hero Walk:
- The hero's gait will change when entering the guild.

Balancing and gameplay:


Change the distribution of Health and Knowledge Points by level:
- At the beginning of the game everything is standard - 12 Health Points and 10 Knowledge Points. Every 10 levels, the number of points allocated decreases - Knowledge Points by one, Health Points by two (for example, from level 11 it's 9 Knowledge Points and 10 Health Points). The final limit is 5 Knowledge Points and 2 Health Points at level 50.
Change the experience threshold for leveling up:
- Added a visual effect when leveling up.
Permanent Bonuses:
- Permanent bonuses now do not affect the hero's training process.
Dexterity check for stealing dialogues:
- Dexterity check for the hero to display stealing dialogues has been removed. When learning a skill, all characters have a dialogue about stealing, but whether or not the hero can steal still depends on Dexterity Hints (e.g. "this wallet is very hard to steal") are retained.
Items to steal:
The items that can be stolen have been changed for most characters - now not only gold can be stolen, but also useful (and useless) items.
Dexterity requirements for stealing:
- "Nothing is easier..." - from 10 to 25 Dexterity points.
- "Quite easy..." - from 30 to 55 Dexterity points.
- "Quite risky..." - from 60 to 75 Fraternity
- "Quite difficult..." - from 80 to 95 skill points
- "Damn difficult..." - from 100 to 115 dexterity- "Virtually impossible..." - from 120 and more Dexterity points

Prizes for selling items:
- The price for selling items varies according to different conditions. The initial coefficient used to multiply the price of an item is 0.1. For example, when you enter Matteo's apprenticeship, this coefficient increases to 0.25, etc. These conditions also include helping characters or vice versa. When the conditions are met, a hint will appear on the screen that this merchant will make it more expensive to redeem items.
- Although the price for selling items increases when certain conditions are met, as the following chapters progress, the price decreases to maintain balance.
Trader Behavior:
- Merchants will put away all their equipped weapons, including firearms, before trading with the hero (most characters will not equip bows/crossbows).
Alchemy changes:
- Alchemy now has three levels (beginner, advanced, and master), which are learned from teachers. To make potions, you need to know the recipes, which are found in the world or bought from merchants.
Blacksmithing changes:
- Similar to alchemy - three levels, which are learned from teachers, the others from blueprints. The exception to this is ore weapons, which are taught by Bennet and Jan. For money and with knowledge of blacksmithing, they will teach you how to make these weapons.
- In addition to steel, coal is needed to work the forge. When learning smelting, there is the added ability to turn rusty and orc weapons into steel.
New skill - "Cooking":
- The process is similar to alchemy or blacksmithing - through the study of recipes that are bought or found in the world.

Changes to the prayer system:
- Added an additional sacrifice of 500 gold for the statue of Innos, giving a limited bonus to permanent traits based on the hero's guild (strength and agility for combat guilds randomly, mana for mages, no guild - health). Other sacrifices give a permanent health bonus randomly.
- For the statue of Beliar, new sacrifices of large amounts of health or mana are added in exchange for the ability to gain a bonus to defense against weapons or magic.
- Vatras completely restores the hero's mana at the sacrifice of 100 gold.
Character Poisoning:
- A character can be poisoned in combat by certain monsters or by using an item.
- Altered behavior of NPCs and some monsters in combat.
Merchant Range Changes:
- Merchants now do not sell their goods continuously, but only during the specific time they spend behind the counter.
One-handed weapons at the "Beginner" level:
- Modified the controls of one-handed weapons at the "Beginner" level according to the first part of the game.
- Blood on screen when a character is injured.
Changed chapter images:
- Added new ones for the water mage.
Dynamic events in the world:
- Certain events happen in the world on their own (for example, if the hero doesn't become a fire mage, the novice Durian will head to the inn anyway in Chapter 2).
Changes in Worlds:
- For example, for the city where the teleport was, the setting of Jharkendar is now fully formed.
Conditions for obtaining the key to the passage to the Miner's Valley:
- Lord Hagen will not give the key to the passage to the Mining Valley until the hero learns what lies behind the portal (in Jharkendar).
Various arrows/bolts for firearms:
- Added the use of different arrows/screws for firearms and learning how to make them from recipes.



- A large number of new books have been added to the game with a colour scheme and books from the previous part have been brought back. Permanent bonuses are awarded when reading the library collections.
- New plants with new properties and reworking of existing ones.
- Several new types of food and the addition of unique dishes.
- Permanent bonuses are added when a certain amount of herbs and food are consumed.
Item prices:
- The prices of all items in the game have been changed.
Item Descriptions:
- The descriptions of all items have been changed or added (e.g. for armor, a description about defenses against crushing weapons has been added, for weapons the length of the weapon, etc.).
Weapon Rebalancing:
- Rebalancing of all existing weapons (from required properties to damage) and the addition of a "weapon length" parameter.
New weapons:
- Adding new weapons that can be taught as part of blacksmithing.
- Unique abilities for some weapons (e.g. additional damage against wolves and varks for Wolf's Tooth).
Unique weapons:
- Unique named character weapons from the first part of the game have been brought back, and new ones have been added to some characters.
- Magical Bows/Bows:
- Magical bows and crossbows have been removed, as magical ammunition can now be used with any firearm.

Magic Staffs:
- Magic staves require mana to carry and now deal magic damage.
Loot in Chests:
- Changes to loot in chests and corresponding chest combinations.
- Adding new types of elixirs, now 23 in total. Elixirs are both permanent and common.
- Healing and mana elixirs restore the corresponding hero traits in percentage.
- New visual effects when using permanent elixirs.
- 14 types of helmets have been added to the game (9 new ones with models from Gothic 3 and 5 original ones such as pirate hat, ring helmet, etc.).
- The addition of several types of armor, both crafted and regular.
- NPCs now react to a hero in pirate armor the same way they do to a bandit.
- Gold wallets now contain random amounts of gold: small ones from 10 to 25 coins, medium ones from 30 to 50, and large ones from 70 to 100.
Greg's redesigned treasure:
- Greg's treasure in Khorinis and Jharkendar has been redesigned. In Khorinis the items have been marked to avoid confusion, in Jharkendar the items have been completely changed.
- The bonus tables have been reduced and the number of tables has been greatly reduced. In Khorinis, they have been almost completely removed, except for places directly related to Jharkendar. They have been removed completely from the Mining Valley.

Magic Sticks:
- Magic staves require mana to carry and now deal magic damage.
Loot in Chests:
- Changes to loot in chests and corresponding chest combinations.
- Adding new types of elixirs, now 23 in total. Elixirs are both permanent and common.
- Healing and mana elixirs restore the corresponding hero traits in percentage.
- New visual effects when using permanent elixirs.
- 14 types of helmets have been added to the game (9 new ones with models from Gothic 3 and 5 original ones such as pirate hat, ring helmet, etc.).
- The addition of several types of armor, both crafted and regular.
- NPCs now react to a hero in pirate armor the same way they do to a bandit.
- Gold wallets now contain random amounts of gold: small ones from 10 to 25 coins, medium ones from 30 to 50, and large ones from 70 to 100.
Greg's redesigned treasure:
- Greg's treasure in Khorinis and Jharkendar has been redesigned. In Khorinis the items have been marked to avoid confusion, in Jharkendar the items have been completely changed.
- The bonus tables have been reduced and the number of tables has been greatly reduced. In Khorinis, they have been almost completely removed, except for places directly related to Jharkendar. They have been removed completely from the Mining Valley.



Changes to the rewards for killing:
- The amount of experience points for killing various monsters has been re-evaluated.
Monster Defense:
- Adjusted monster defenses. For example, stone golems and skeletons are completely immune to stab type damage, but have weaknesses against crushing damage. However, there is still a chance to deal slashing damage to them.
- Goblins have randomly generated weapons. Each type of goblin has a choice of 5 different weapons.
- Blood flies, lizards, swamp drones, mud rats and zombies can poison the protagonist.
- Wolves have different colors (plain, black and gray), which depends on chance.
Monster Plants:
- Plants fall from boars, scavengers, field rats, lizards, and swamp rats after death.
- A boar can knock a hero to the ground.
New Enemies:
- Added a skeleton archer that uses both a bow and a melee weapon in combat. Normal skeleton archers and skeleton warriors can now use a variety of rusty weapons.
- Added an orc-explorer who uses a crossbow in combat.
- Added a shaman-eater who uses magic in combat.
Magical Monsters:
- Monsters using magic have been reworked in terms of the spells used and combat tactics. Many of them can now summon other monsters or heal themselves.
- Swamp golems, demons, and harpies now use magic in combat.
- Orc shamans now use magic staffs and the magic they use has also been reworked.
Dragon Monsters:
- Dragons are now truly dangerous creatures. They actively use spells based on their element at a distance and can summon other monsters to their aid in melee combat.
Special Monsters:
- The hero is rewarded with tutorial points for killing special monsters.



Changes in the required points for learning spells:
- 5 points are now required for the first and second circle of magic, 10 points for the third and fourth circle, and 15 points for the fifth and sixth circle.
Spell modifications:
- The point requirements for individual spells have also been adjusted.
Schools of Magic:
- Magic has been divided into appropriate schools (fire, water, darkness). There are also spells that all mages can use (such as healing, cripple monsters, etc.).
Dark Magic:
- The option to study dark magic at Xardas is only available to mages of fire or water. The list of spells is limited because Xardas, due to the danger and power of dark magic, will not teach all types of dark magic. He will leave the tower in Chapter 5, and the 5th and 6th circle runes he was supposed to teach will be available through special books.
- Although dark magic is available from Xardas, Kogt's spells have different runes from his magical studies.
The Scrolls of Dark Magic:
- Scrolls of Dark Magic spells are no longer available for sale, they are scattered throughout the world.
New and revised spells:

Installation information


- You need to install Union (some features are used on it)
- Attention! The mod is not compatible with plugins or patches that change damage formulas, because the scripts have their own formulas.

Planned changes in the next update:


In the upcoming update, a significant expansion of the quest component is planned. We will focus on completely reworking the guilds and masters in Khorinis, creating more interesting side quests and reviving the later chapters of the game. New quests are already part of the mod, but they are rather primitive and banal, created primarily to enrich the gameplay (although such quests are also important).

A more detailed list of planned changes:

- Significant expansion of the quest component: creation of new and more interesting quests.
- Revising and reinterpreting the guilds and masters in Khorinis: Revising the existing guilds and masters to make them more involved in the game.
- Reviving later chapters: Adding new content to later chapters of the game.
Expanding territories and changing existing areas: Changes to the map and adding new locations.
- Possible implementation of shield mechanics: New shield combat options.
New gameplay elements.
- New crafting options: Addition of new options, such as scroll writing.
- Improvements and refinements to companions: Improving companions to not just be empty characters, similar to Biff.

Download modification/localization

Google translation by F0rtuno
Original database + google translation by F0rtuno
Handwritten original Russian



 - Install Gothic 2.

- Download Union Resource manager and install Resource Patch + Union (Pictures bellow)


- Download and paste the New Adventure mod into your Gothic folder.

- If you want to play with the Directx11 graphics enhancement, download and paste into the system folder -

- If you want to play with plugins such as time acceleration, fast picking, new inventory etc.. check the Union section and find the plugins you like, download them and put them in the Data folder.

Union and plugins section here -


- gggg12345678!

©2023-2025 by F0rtuno - David Fojtík.

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