Gothic 2 - Renovation
Version: BETA - Latest - Modification type: original enhancement
Lokalizace modu:

Mod Information
Here we have a brand new Russian mod that was first released in May this year. As the name suggests it is a renovation of the original Gothic. You can find the update history on discord, the next update will appear on the website in the news section since the post of this mod here.
Players can expect the following from the modification:
Noticeably increased difficulty and significant changes in the usual patterns and ways of playing the original game Gothic 2 - Night of the Raven.
Various changes/additions/innovations in textures and models, numerous changes and modifications in the worlds, an updated map of creatures, and an expanded item map.
New items and creatures, updated display system, expanded main hero's options panel, new animations, sounds, and visual effects.
Some humor - adult, quirky, and sometimes humorous.
Enhanced functionality of guilds and individual characteristics for each of them, including their own bonuses and personal earning types.
Revised and expanded spells with various new items and special effects for mages.
A range of unique skills that can only be learned in certain guilds (Bloodlust, Raider, Strike of Faith, Necromancy, and many others), and new publicly available skills such as Extortion, Marksmanship Aura, Sneak Attack, etc.
Expanded functionality of masters (providing certain bonuses, items, and other goods to their apprentice, an expanded range of items purchased from the apprentice, and new prices for them).
Almost completely balanced and changed all spheres: leveling, parameters and protection, training and teachers, inventory content, balanced and supplemented weapons, changed item requirements and training, new income and expenses, as well as events, tasks, dialogues, old skills (like pickpocketing and lockpicking), and so on.
Many unique items with extremely useful effects (including magical and contractual items), new weapons and armor, new potions, herbs, food, and trophies with various ways of use, sets of items with bonus effects, and so on.
Completely redesigned item set for each merchant - each merchant specializes in something specific.
Unique monsters in each location with increasing difficulty that should not bore you even at the end of the game.
A huge number of completely new enemies and major changes to the old ones (behavior and reactions, defense and parameters, appearance and type of damage, inventory content, special attacks/skills, personal characteristics, daily routine, and so on).
Revised combat logic of common enemies (using acceleration potions, dodging, strafing with magical weapons and ranged weapons, having their own combinations of attacks and individual combat characteristics, switching between available weapons/magic, and so on, in the same spirit).
Various abilities and skills of a range of enemies (poisoning, regeneration, life draining, stunning, shock, curse, corruption, inversion, various post-mortem effects, and so on).
More than a dozen minibosses with various rewards/bonuses for their defeat.
Class choice at the beginning of the game (hunter, warrior, mage), which practically does not limit the character but instead adds unique advantages/options during the game.
The possibility of completing the game with any build (archer, crossbowman, two-handed or one-handed weapon fighter, summoner, battle mage, etc.) and the availability of weapons/armor/magic for each class/build.
System of titles and professional ranks, very serious crafting experience, several hidden achievements, major changes in crafting mechanics and interface.
Revised purchase dialogues, crafting offers, and diary entries for player comfort.
Updated and new professions (e.g., leatherworker), major changes to old professions, and many new crafting recipes, new sections of alchemy and blacksmithing, a new armor enhancement system.
Many new types of earnings in the form of changes for certain groups of goods - almost any junk can be used, and there will always be information about it in the diary.
Weapons and items with various properties (freezing, stunning, shock, defense reduction, various types of extra damage, acceleration, regeneration, slowing, etc.).
A series of temporary effects of various potions, items, or food - for example, Invisibility, Slowing, Regeneration, Invulnerability, Guaranteed pickpocketing, and many temporary enhancements - for Strength, Health, Defense, Resistance, Gained Experience, Damage Dealt, and so on.
A series of auras for different classes and assemblies (Sniper's Aura, Vampirism Aura, Cleansing Aura, Paladin's Aura, Source Aura, and others), which increase damage, reduce enemy defense, restore mana or health, drain enemy lives, increase combat effectiveness against certain creatures, and so on.
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By F0rtuno
Installation step by step:
Install a clean version of the game "Gothic 2 - Night of the Raven."
Then install Union:
first, the patch
then Union
Union 1.0m.exe
After installing Union, start the original game to the main menu and exit the game.
Download and install the mod (the current version is beta3)
If you have played a previous version of the mod, first remove the old version using the uninstaller
and manually delete the save folder (saves_renovation).
After installing the latest version of the mod, start a new game.
You must launch the installed mod through GothicStarter.exe
Download and move the Czech language files into the game - Gothic 2 Renovation CZ 21.9.2023.rar, or a newer version if available.
If you want to play with DirectX11 graphical enhancement, download and place the files into the system folder - https://github.com/kirides/GD3D11/releases
Check out the Union section on the website and choose the plugin you want, or all of them directly.
Due to changed worlds, animations, models, and scenarios,
The mod will be partially or completely INCOMPATIBLE with:
patches and fixes that make changes to worlds or scripts - up to deactivating a series of skills, completely disabling the plot, or even primitive crashes;
standalone fixes that correct shortcomings in the original game - because some points that these patches fix have already been fixed, modified, or are not even present in the mod at all,
thus it is strongly recommended to use additional patches only after discovering a specific error, not beforehand;
To do this, you must understand exactly (and preferably precisely) what each individual patch fixes, otherwise cases of missing items, animation failures, violation of launch conditions, and so on, cannot be ruled out;
We have tried to take into account all changes that normally come from SystemPack and Union;
model packs or texture model packs - due to built-in logical correlations,
such as adjusting the size of a new model to its actual in-game object
(otherwise, it is possible that items allegedly "disappeared" inside enlarged rocks/trees
or elongation of the visual length of a weapon with a small radius specified in the scenario),
not to mention that many such packs make changes to worlds or scripts that their creators forget to mention in the description;
with any animation packs - both with new animations and those that replace the original ones;
with third-party font packs - line lengths, document sizes, text truncation, or text overlays will not be corrected in third-party fonts;
with plugins that make changes to significant engine functions or scripts - such as
plugins for any changes related to damage formulas or for additional damage,
plugins for removing daily limits/restrictions,
regeneration plugins from third parties,
partially perhaps plugins for speeding up time, quick saving, and so on.
POZOR - Tento mod mívá Aktualizace
Tato stránka popisuje pouze základní informace o modifikaci, pokud se chcete dozvědět něco o posledních změnách, klikněte na tlačítko níže, kde můžete u některých modifikací najít spoustu aktualizací modu, češtiny, nebo dalších informací, zkrátka historii novinek na webu.