Gothic 3: Union Modpack
Modification type: massive upgrade of the original
Mod Localization:

Mod Information
The mod pack contains most popular mods and patches for the game Gothic 3. Detailed description of each mod and preview is available after downloading UnionStarter.
The package includes:
QuestPack - Adds a vast amount of quests, armor, and more.
QuP MiniQuests - Achievements from QuestPack.
ContentModBase - Extensive graphical changes.
CM Content - Content from the CM modification.
CM_Rebalance - Rebalance from the CM mod.
Citizen - Citizens will fight on our side during the revolution.
UpdatePack SupportMod - Minor text adjustments in the game.
AnimalsHardcoreMode - Beasts and monsters have accelerated attack animations.
Fraction Armor - Adds faction-specific clothing.
Letters - New books and notes.
EndGame - Choices from Gothic 2.
FeedBackEffect - Removes the red frame around the edges of the screen.
Reduced Fog - Fog reduction.
NotRevolutionCounter - Removes the revolution counter for capturing cities.
Knight Chronicle - Story modification telling the tale of an unknown knight and his journey through Myrtana.
QuestFix Mod - Fixes several mission bugs and logic errors.
Intuitive Combat System - Intuitive combat system.
ICS Classic Camera - Classic camera for intuitive control.
Main - Basic mod required for installing other mods.
Consequences - Hero's actions may have consequences.
Leadership - New perk allowing to lead more companions.
LivelyTownsMod - New behavior for characters after liberating towns.
LTM Easy - Enemy and NPC difficulty reduction from LTM.
LTM NPC - Adds NPCs from LTM mod to liberated towns.
RGL - Return of General Lee.
AlternativeBalanceUncapped - Removes doubling of costs for increasing strength, dexterity, and ancient wisdom over 250.
LimitedSleep - Limits sleep to daytime.
LimitedStatues - Increases learning point costs from gods upon reaching 250 stats threshold and blocks further learning upon reaching 500.
Chszonszcze - Depression of small animals.
CombatFix - Disables frenzy mode for monsters in UpdatePack 1.05.
eCDELocator - Displays icons of all items, NPCs, and other objects near the player on the screen.
ExtendedFrying - Adds more options to cook various types of meat over a fire.
FloatingDamage - Displays inflicted damage on the screen.
FontScale - Prevents changes in name size based on game resolution.
G3Fixes - Fixes certain game mechanics and adds new ones.
Item Map - In-game map with items and other useful things.
MonsterDamage - Removes damage limitations caused by monsters.
QuickLoot - Quickloot that works better than the original in-game.
Refresh Generated Trade - Changes the way traders' equipment is generated.
StatBarValues - Displays HP, MP, SP value/max value on respective bars.
Subtitles - Increases subtitle duration for voiceless dialogues.
TeleportPartyMembers - Teleports party members with the player after casting teleportation spell.
TimeMultiplier - Accelerates time.
SmeltingMod - New fire usage options for Clan Mlota.
TeleportNPCMod - Ability to teleport with companions.
Arenas - Changes in arenas.
Dragons - New dragons, items, and quests.
More Teleportation Stones - New teleportation stones.
Thief Quests - New theft-related missions.
Conquest - New tasks preparing the hero for revolution.
Leadership - Allows taking more companions.
Enclaves - Large groups of enemies acting as enclaves; all members attack the hero during battle.
Tame Animal - New abilities for taming animals.
Magic Weapons - New magical weapons.
Pirate Dream - Reworks the pirate quest line from LTM, turning it into a full-fledged story in a pirate camp.
Immersive World - New mechanics, new animals, world objects changing over time, new interactive objects.
Magic No God To Be Chosen - Able to know the best spells before choosing a god.
Balance Ultimate - Adjustments in game balancing.
Balance Ultimate For Immersive World - Adjustment of shots and arrows for Balance Ultimate for the Immersive World mod.
Easy Paladin - Allows learning the "Paladin" skill early in the game.
AchievementsMod - Set of achievements to achieve with rewards upon completion.
QuestEdit - Fixes missions from the base game.
FixedPockets - Changes in pickpocket mechanics.
PaidBonus - Change in the way permanent bonuses are allocated for tasks.
NewMagicforNPCs / NewBalance - Wizards and magical beings now almost always use spells of their element. Also introduces certain changes in the combat system and damage calculation.
Polish Text Fix - Fixes Polish texts from CM and QP mods.
Models and Textures
Citizen Textures - Textures of citizens.
New Assassins Textures - Change of textures for assassins' clothing.
New Mercenary Textures - Change of textures for mercenaries' clothing.
CM Animal Retextured - Reworked textures of CM animals.
CM Graphic Arcania - Graphic mod for Arcania.
CM Graphic G2 - Graphic mod for Gothic 2.
Orc Mod Lite - Adaptation of some orcs resembling those from Gothic 2.
Orc Mod Full - Adaptation of all orcs resembling those from Gothic 2.
Smart Monsters Skins - Reworked textures of animals and monsters.
Bloodfly Model - Change of bloodfly model.
Boar Model - Change of boar model.
Clawler Model - Change of crawler model.
Demon Model - Change of demon model.
Goblin Model - Change of goblin model.
Lurker Model - Change of lurker model.
Scavenger Model - Change of scavenger model.
ShadowBeast Model - Change of shadow beast model.
Snapper Model - Change of snapper model.
Troll Model - Change of troll model.
Varan Model - Change of varan model.
Wolf Model - Change of wolf model.
Menu Elder
Menu CM
Menu Arcania
Menu Dark
Menu Old
Menu QP
Menu Updated
Menu Ultimate
Night GUI Theme
Transparent Dialogue Window - Transparent dialogue window.
Compass Return - Returns compass for certain interface modifications.
Compass Return 2 - Returns compass for Menu Ultimate and Menu Updated.
Hero's head
Head CM - Hero head from ContentMod.
Head Pre-Alpha - Hero head from the pre-alpha version of the game.
Head Arcania - Hero head from Arcania.
Hero Head PreAlpha
Music G2 - Soundtrack from G2.
Polish Voice Mods - Generated Polish dubbing for parts of dialogues from mods.
Old Monster Sounds - Monster sounds from G2.
Old Orc Sounds - Orc sounds from G2.
Combat Sounds - New death sounds.
Smart Music Mod - Myrtana battle music.
Smart Music Menu - Menu music from Arcania.
Better Sound Effects - Modified monster sounds, weapons, and more.
Smart Sound Pack - Enhanced environmental sounds.
World Textures
G3 Retextured Final - Package containing over 400 new textures.
QP Texture Pack - World textures from QuestPack.
PreAlpha - Textures from PreAlpha.
Myrtana Texture Pack - Textures of Myrtana.
Autumn Textures - Autumn in Myrtana.
Smart Texture Pack - World textures of USМ.
World Texture Mix - World textures from HD Reworked and Hyper Texturepack.
Download Localizations

ChatGPT čeština by F0rtuno

Handwritten Polish

Handmade English
By Romanez78

Handwritten Russian
ATTENTION - This mod is having Updates!
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