Gothic 2: From the Life of a Thief
Version: 1.1 - Type of modification: Enhancement of the original
Lokalizace modu:

Mod Information
To enable our hero to join the "Guild," the largest criminal organization in the kingdom, he must prove himself worthy. After a long wait, he finally gets the opportunity and boards a ship. His task: to steal a rare gem. He knows nothing else about it. When will it all start? He has no idea until he's dragged from his bed onboard and thrown overboard. Our main hero lands in the water. He has nothing with him except his underwear and a letter. However, he notices land in the distance. After what seems like an eternity to him - at least he thinks so - he reaches it. Exhausted, he climbs onto the wooden planks of an old pier. "There's a reason why this fellowship is so infamous." - This thought constantly haunts our hero. His goal is clear. "I must find the gem!" is the only thing that comes to his mind. But where is the gem actually, and how should he obtain it? Step into the role of our young thief and experience the amazing story of the theft of his life. Meet extraordinary characters and discover a new and diverse world on the edge of the kingdom. Will you do anything to achieve your goal? Will you steal, kidnap, and even murder? Or will you think that your path is wrong and decide to help your fellow man? Decide for yourself! The Thief's Life mod not only offers a variety of innovative and diverse tasks - the player also has the opportunity to choose what kind of person they will be and how their story will unfold in many places. But beware! It's not just the city guard who watches every stranger. The wilderness, teeming with familiar but also new enemies, is more dangerous than ever!
12 hours of gaming entertainment
Rich in twists - amazing story of a young thief
39 different tasks - often with different endings
Unusual characters with their own story
Dozens of constantly changing loading screens
New weapons (axes, daggers, swords, etc.)
New, convenient notification system
New and redesigned interactive objects
New textures in high resolution
Story-adapted respawn system
New world covering approximately 7 hectares
Three optional arrows
New dangerous enemies
Small statistics offer
Fun easter eggs
Plenty of new items
Stažení lokalizací

Ručně upravený google překlad
By F0rtuno
Instalace modu
- Nainstalujte Gothic 2.
- Stáhněte Union Resource manager a nainstalujte Resource Patch + Union - https://www.myrtana.net/_files/archives/2c0a43_9a5ea73fec6c404a9b259677d55fa059.rar?dn=Resource%20Manager.rar (Obrázky níže)

- Stahněte a nainstalujte mod Ze života zloděje
- Stáhněte a přesuňte do složky Gothic češtinu modu Ze života zloděje
- Pokud chcete hrát s grafickým vylepšením Directx11 stáhněte a vložte do složky system - https://github.com/kirides/GD3D11/releases
- Pokud chcete hrát s pluginy jako je zrychlení času, rychlé sbírání, nový inventář atd.. mrkněte do sekce Union a najděte si pluginy co sem vám líbí, stáhněte je a vložte do složky Data.
Sekce Unionu a pluginů zde - https://www.myrtana.net/union-pluginy