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Gothic 2: New Balance - Alternative bars of health, stamina and mana

Writer's picture: F0rtunoF0rtuno

- Game Platform Gothic, Gothic 2, Gothic 2 NR, Gothic 2 Returns 2, Gothic 2 New Balance (Gothic 1,2 and mods)

- Patch replaces the original health, mana, stamina, poison, underwater breathing, common/rare/legendary/epic enemy health indicators as well as the loading/saving indicator.

- Changes have been made to the files found in RET2_Textures_01.vdf and RET2_Textures_02.vdf. Which in turn contain textures from Returns 2.0, version 66, revision 2. However, the same files are also used in the vdf archives for Gothic 1, 2, NotR

- To install the entire texture pack, extract the G1_BARS_7.11.vdf or G2_BARS_7.12.vdf file to the Data folder.

- To install individual textures from the package, extract the corresponding vdf file from the BARS.rar archive to the Data folder.

G1_BARS_7.11.vdf - version with bars from the first Gothic;

G2_BARS_7.12.vdf - version with bars from Gothic 2 and Gothic 2: Night of the Raven

G1_bars_textures.vdf - interface for players and common enemies(Gothic);

G2_bars_textures.vdf - interface for players and common enemies(Gothic 2);

G3_bars_textures.vdf - player interface and common enemies(Gothic 3);

RET2_bars_textures.vdf - player interface and common enemies(Return 2.0);

G1_rare_and_lege_bars(opacity).vdf - rare/legendary enemy indicators with transparent background(Gothic);

G2_rare_and_lege_bars.vdf - rare/legendary enemy indicators(Gothic 2);

v68_rare_and_lege_bars.vdf - rare/legendary enemy indicators from version 6.8(Gothic);

_epic_bar.vdf - epic enemy markers;

_progress_bar.vdf - load bar and save bar;

_Saving.vdf - new save image;

_Splash_saving_loading.vdf - splash frame, transparent loading screen and AB saving frame(see description for more information).

Previews from the author:

Besides New Balance, these bars should work in all other mods as well

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