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Gothic 2: New Balance - Magic Rebalance - Update 2.3 a 2.3.1

Writer's picture: F0rtunoF0rtuno
  • Code optimization has been performed. Redundant computations have been removed from cyclic functions.

  • Some previously identified and new errors have been fixed.

  • Additional target checks have been added for Shiva boss AI. This should prevent crashes when transitioning to the location of their demise.

  • Errors related to the update of new spells have been corrected.

  • A character level threshold has been added for the appearance of champions/uniques in the world - StExt_Config_RandomEnemies_Threshold. This configuration determines the minimum character level at which random monsters can spawn in the world. It accepts values from 0 to 100. A value of 0 essentially means there will be no level restriction for spawning.

  • A difficulty multiplier for monster random generation in the world has been added - StExt_Config_WorldRandomizator_MobSpawnPower. The higher it is, the sooner more hostile creatures will appear. It accepts values of at least 10, with a default value of 100.

  • Some adjustments have been made to the area restrictions where mobs can randomly spawn.

  • Shiva bosses are now summoned using a callback for 5 seconds to give players time to prepare.

  • The butcher's wife in Khorinis no longer reproduces in the sense of avoiding duplication.

  • Ownership restrictions on bows/crossbows have been removed. They can now be upgraded beyond 150 units. Theoretically...

  • Restrictions on health, mana, and intelligence have been deactivated.

  • Health restrictions for twisted beings remain but have been increased to 7500 units.

  • Aura strength now influences mana regeneration from the respective aura (previously only affected life auras).

  • Auras providing life regeneration have been reassessed towards enhancement.

  • Endurance regeneration aura also restores 1% of maximum endurance, in addition to aura strength bonuses.

  • Poison and curse protection auras are now slightly more useful and provide a small bonus to life regeneration (1 + 1/50 of aura strength).

  • Fighter's aura now adds additional damage based on the aura strength indicator (50 + aura strength). It also affects ranged combat now.

  • Speed aura no longer directly accepts a bonus from magical power.

  • Thorns aura - fixed life school requirements; changed maximum mana requirement to 100 instead of 125.

  • Reevaluated damage bonuses for summons from skills and item bonuses. Previously, item/potion bonuses were unnecessary if the corresponding school wasn't studied.

  • Tesval's stats no longer cause errors when leveling up and consider bonuses from the life school.

  • Character shadow now has protection against weapon loss upon summoning.

  • Equipment box has been added to the game. It guarantees obtaining a current (item level depends on the current chapter) random weapon/armor (if random items are allowed). Can be purchased from Shiva or obtained as loot.

  • A new stat for weapons - "Damage to Golems," responsible for additional damage to golems and stone guardians, has been added.

  • Stats for items/potions corresponding to demonology and golem schools have been introduced into the game.

  • Damage modes have been added to random potions: animals, undead, orcs, evil, humans, golems, and additional magic damage.

  • A window displaying all bonuses from random items has been added. By default, it operates using the 'O' key.

  • When equipping all random items, including jewelry, a message with statistics will be displayed on the screen. There are configurations to disable this continuous display.

  • Random drop has been fixed. Now, configurations StExt_Config_RandomLootCountMod_Magic/Food/Misc/Alchemy set to 0 should stop the cycle of generating items of the respective category.

  • The character level factor in calculating random weapon drops has been increased. This increases the likelihood of better weapons/ammo dropping in later stages of the game.

  • A chapter factor has also been added to the calculation of random weapon drops.

  • Minor adjustments have been made in the mechanism of random drops.

  • The life bonus (set using configuration) no longer applies to Absolute SNC.

  • Compatibility with Absolute SNC has been fixed. Life is no longer required to learn skills.

  • Skills on Absolute SNC are now 50% more expensive.

  • Gold requirements for skills from the mode have been increased by an average of 25%.

  • The option to configure gold requirements for skills from the mode (StExt_Configs_EducationMoneyCostMult) and attribute/lp requirements (StExt_Configs_EducationRequirementsMult, not for all) for learning has been added.

  • The "Mystical Warrior" skill and its sub-navigation have been added. After learning them, they provide additional magical/fire/wind damage to weapons with the corresponding attack type at the cost of mana. The damage amount is calculated from the maximum mana and intelligence.

  • "Mystical Warrior: Fire/Magic/Wind" skills have been added, which increase the corresponding additional damage gained from the "Mystical Warrior" skill.

  • "Master: One-handed/Two-handed/Bow/Crossbow" skills have been added, which increase additional damage with weapons of corresponding types by 50%.

  • The "Shield Master" skill has been added, allowing blocking an additional attack after receiving damage (not the current attack! due to engine properties). It activates once every 15 seconds.

  • Magical damage (fire, magic, wind) from magical swords and rods gains additional damage from intelligence.

  • The bonus physical damage from agility/strength for weapons, if there is more than one damage type, has been fixed. Now, half of the respective attribute is added to each damage type before applying the target's resistance. Bows and two-handed weapons receive bonuses from both agility and strength equally.

  • Monsters and humans no longer lose aggression occasionally after receiving damage.

  • A bug where the artifact for additional training points was mistaken for an artifact for reducing mana costs and caused uncontrolled mana regeneration has been fixed.

  • The artifact for additional training points on Absolute SNC now provides a random increase in attributes instead of training points.

  • Mana restoration from wizard spells is now limited to 10% of maximum mana with a 1-second time limit.

  • The option to equip a dagger/grimoire from the submenu has been added.

  • Dagger reset behavior has been fixed; now it resets correctly and consumes gold.

  • NPCs who were previously randomly becoming mages have been reworked. Now they are essentially followers who use spell scrolls. Scrolls are gradually consumed from the inventory while casting spells. Their healing is also dependent on scrolls, not an internal counter. These NPCs most likely have a magical sword or staff. Their arsenal of spells has also been slightly expanded.

  • Now all humans without exception can heal with scrolls if they have them in their inventory. Healing scrolls are randomly generated for NPCs when generating weapons.

  • NPC mages now scale spell (rune) strength with increasing monster difficulty.

  • NPCs can now have an energy shield! It works by restoring health until completely depleted, and/or reducing damage from attacks.

  • All mages have received an energy shield. It usually equals 1/3 of their health limit.

  • We have implemented our own system for point damage, eliminating the issue of "mixing" damage from spells and auras.

  • More than 15 possible debuff effects have been added to the game, which can be applied to enemies or applied to them.

  • The change in curse protection from potions and protective auras now protects against all debuffs.

  • Debuffs for protection are not applied when the character is buffed with golem hearts or protective auras to prevent bugs.

  • About 10 buffs have also been added to the game, which can be used by both players with their companions and enemies.

  • Ice and electricity schools increase additional magical damage from weapons.

  • The fire school increases additional magical damage from weapons.

  • The earth school increases additional crushing damage from weapons.

  • The air school increases additional damage reflection when attacking with weapons.

  • The dark demonology school increases additional magical damage from weapons.

  • The death school increases additional damage from weapons against living creatures.

  • The darkness school increases additional magical damage from weapons against all except undead, demons, and other dark creatures.

  • The light school increases additional damage from weapons against undead, demons, and other dark creatures.

  • The golemology schools cause characters to inflict more additional damage with weapons to various golems and stone guardians.

  • The life school has gained additional healing-focused skills. At the apprentice level, endurance is gradually restored over time, at the adept level, healing is extended (15 seconds per school level), at the expert level, companions are healed by animal companions, and at the master level, a slow regeneration effect is applied to mana (15 seconds per school level). The duration and strength of buffs depend on the level of the light school. Each buff has a cooldown of 2 minutes.

  • Additional skills have been added to the light school. At the adept level, an attack adds a random stat buff. At the expert level, a random defense buff is added. The master can activate temporary mana drain from the target, and the archmage adds increased damage. The duration and strength of buffs depend on the level of the light school. Each buff has a cooldown of 2 minutes.

  • Several skills have been added to the darkness school. At the adept level, you can apply random curses; darkness runes enhance the effect. The master allows cursing vulnerability to magic. The archmage allows gaining short-term invisibility after a hit. The cooldown of skills decreases as proficiency in the skill increases.

  • The death school has gained additional skills. At the adept level, it adds the ability to apply long-term life drain on enemies. The master level allows the application of vulnerability to magic. At the archmage level, an attack summons a goblin skeleton (cooldown 2 minutes).

  • The golemancy school has also gained additional skills. At the adept level, golems begin to regenerate health. At the expert level, golems start buffing themselves for additional protection against physical damage, and at the archmage level, attacks can summon any golem to aid (cooldown 10 minutes).

  • The demonology school has gained additional skills. At the adept level, demons gradually drain life. At the master level, demons can apply a random debuff to enemies, and at the archmage level, each strike or spell can summon a demon to aid (cooldown 10 minutes).

  • The fire school has acquired new skills. At the adept level, there's a chance to apply a small fire Damage Over Time (DOT) on hit; at the master level, a debuff on fire resistance can be applied, and at the archmage level, there's a chance to shoot a fireball at the target (costs 20 mana).

  • The ice school has acquired new skills. At the adept level, there's a chance to apply a small magical DOT on hit; at the master level, a debuff on magic resistance can be applied, and at the archmage level, there's a chance to shoot an ice arrow at the target (costs 20 mana).

  • The air school has acquired new skills. At the adept level, there's a chance to apply a small air DOT on hit; at the master level, a debuff on air resistance can be applied, and at the archmage level, there's a chance to shoot an air fist at the target (costs 20 mana).

  • The electricity school has acquired new skills. At the adept level, there's a chance to apply a small magical DOT on hit; at the master level, a debuff on magic resistance can be applied, and at the archmage level, there's a chance to shoot lightning at the target (costs 20 mana).

  • The earth school has acquired new skills. At the adept level, there's a chance to apply a small crushing DOT on hit; at the master level, a debuff on magic and crushing resistance can be applied, and at the archmage level, there's a chance to unleash a stone explosion on the target (costs 20 mana).

  • Perks in most magic schools have a synergistic effect. This means that when using spells of the corresponding type, perk effects will provide a bonus from the damage of the respective magic school. Almost every perk has its own cooldown, which often decreases as proficiency in the selected magic school increases. The duration of buffs/debuffs depends on the level of mastery of the magic school.

  • The logic of using champion abilities has been completely reworked. Now separate variables are used for summoning, abilities, etc., which do not interfere with the original game database.

  • The NPC generator has been reworked, fixed, and expanded in some cases. Ten new suffixes and five prefixes have been added, resulting in over 1000 unique enemy combinations. The name generator for unique characters has also been slightly improved.

  • All AoE abilities of champions have been slightly adjusted based on radius to reduce the bonus area according to their level. Now casting an ability from an extremely strong monster will not reach players on the opposite end of the map.

  • The passive summon skill processor has been reworked. It now responds to pauses and processes all summons as intended. Several bugs in this operation have been fixed.

  • The mechanism for changing characteristics has been reworked again, and in some cases, fixed and expanded. It should now function correctly.

  • A backstory feature has been added - at the beginning of the game (from the mode menu), you can choose who your character was in the colony. While this doesn't provide much besides a small attribute bonus and a few starting items, it currently doesn't affect gameplay and likely won't in the foreseeable future.

  • The plugin for removing magic circle restrictions has been improved and expanded. Now, a character capable of learning magic circles gains the ability to study circles up to the 5th circle, inclusive.

  • Damage output is now directed to a separate, configurable area.

Generátor předmětů (nová verze módu vyžaduje rekompilaci předmětů!)

- Opravena generace dex zbraní. Dříve se nezahrnoval jeden parametr, který, nicméně, bylo pochybné, že by byl jakkoli zpracováván...

- Trochu zvýšen rozptyl bonusového poškození do obou směrů.

- Implementován generátor párových zbraní!

- Lektvary a náhodné předměty mohou mít bonusy ke školám démonologie a golemologie.

- Předměty s bonusy k životům, které jsou vygenerovány, hráče nezabíjejí při sundání, ale ponechávají 1 HP.

- Přidány nové módy poškození na konkrétní cíle.

Magic Rebalance - Update 2.3.1

  • Aggro behavior of NPCs and enemies regarding additional damage has been fixed.

  • A bug in the additional damage display window has been corrected. It now displays correctly, and the text scrolls up until it disappears.

  • The curse effect now works on the female model in demonic form.

  • Fixed an issue where a female player couldn't wear beginner wizard armor.

  • Configurations affecting the probability of duplication, champion/unique creation, weapon/spell acquisition, and maximum ability damage level based on chapters have been added.

  • StExt_Config_EnemyDuplication_Chance_TimeMod: Additional duplication probability per chapter.

  • StExt_Config_EnableRandomEnemies_Chance_TimeMod: Additional champion spawn probability per chapter.

  • StExt_Config_EnableRandomUniqEnemies_Chance_TimeMod: Additional unique spawn probability per chapter.

  • StExt_Config_RandomEnemies_GetRandWeaponsChance_TimeMod: Additional weapon spawn probability for NPCs per chapter.

  • StExt_Config_RandomEnemies_NpcCanUseMagicChance_TimeMod: Additional magic spawn probability for NPCs per chapter.

  • StExt_Config_RandomEnemies_AbilityDamageCap_TimeMod: Increase in maximum ability damage for NPCs per chapter.

  • Loot processing has been fixed. Loot should now default to dropping only from humans, bosses, and champions.

  • Humanoid monsters such as goblins and skeletons, as well as golems and demons, can also randomly drop loot like humans (let's promote equality and tolerance!).

  • An option to allow loot for every creature without exception has been added - StExt_Config_GlobalLuckAllowMonsterLoot (set to true).

  • When generating weapons for NPCs, duplicated weapons will be removed. This applies to newly generated weapons; old ones remain unaffected.

  • The bleeding damage function has been fixed - previously, it only created one instance per game save. This affected damage from auras and other bonuses.

  • The knife perk function has been fixed.

  • The non-functional young hunting dog has been removed from phantoms, and a black wolf has been added in its place.

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