As you may have noticed, on New Year's Eve, I shared a post from Liker (the creator of New Balance), who provided a brief summary of everything that was accomplished with NB this year and what’s ahead. Back then, he mentioned that in 2025, we could look forward to another major update and a new class.
I’m bringing you some insider info, much like Petr "Czechcloud" Žalud (Czech meme joke). There isn’t much to share yet, and I don’t have any details, but it should be enough to get you excited and looking forward to what’s coming.
We can expect the major update around March/April.
The new class will be something like a Water Warrior or something similar—a combat-focused class that will be associated with the Water Mages.
This is also tied to improvements and expansions to the Water Mage storyline, which, as we know, is relatively underdeveloped.
As soon as there are more details and information, I’ll let you know as usual. :)
