Slightly increased amount of Knowledge points on Difficult Nightmare (from level 15 to level 35) (when playing without SnC)
Fixed a bug where totem would not attack dragon or demon type targets
Fixed minor bugs
Fixes in some quests
Paladin Parcival is now invulnerable until chapter 5
Dark Mage Rune "Wave of Darkness" (6th circle) now works better with auto-targeting magic
Added gold to some bosses in Raven's Nightmare
Cor Kalom weakened (only on Gothic difficulty)
Masyaf can now not be entered with less than 2000 health (only on Gothic difficulty)
Added alchemist table, chest and some consumable items to the room in front of the demon in Masyaf
Fixed a bug with Luther's loan, the debt was being calculated incorrectly
Fixed a bug with invisibility and totems on the shaman
Fixed a bug where an opponent with duals could deal massive damage (10 times more than allowed)
Added new key combination: dialogue with summoned creature (default SHIFT+C) Works for Krayta, Fairy, Hubaxis and others
Improved demon clearance in caves and bottlenecks
Reworked demon-servant Hubaxis (for Necromancer)
Added new skills for Hubaxis, which he learns from Xardas
Added Beliar's Gift for Hubaxis (multiple)
Improved Hubaxis' stuck behavior
Fixed a bug with Summoner, when learning Sid the summon reaction radius could suddenly drop
Slightly reduced dragon health regeneration
Fixes in the "Road of Trials" plugin
Fixed bug with negative perks some of them were not working properly on Blood Mage runes
Improved compatibility with the "Wrath of Beliar" plugin for Cursed
Blood Mage skill "Fast Stream" now has 2 skill levels
Slightly increased Blood Essence damage
Fixes in the "Path of the Damned" plugin
Improved the work of "Blood Creatures". Now attacks demons and dragons better
Slightly increased the first magic damage rate of current spells
Added level 2 enhancement to the "Fast Stream" skill
