Hedin_Union_Switch_Day_Duration.vdf - In the zMiscUtils.vdf plugin you can set the length of the day in the game. (parameter SecondsPerGameHour). The plugin allows you to switch the length of the day between 3 modes while running the game itself: normal day, extended day (4 times longer) and shortened day (5 times shorter). The plugin does not require zMiscUtils.vdf. However, if it is present, the fic works through it.
Výchozí přepínač je pravý shift + T
Hedin_Union_SummonPlugin.vdf - A small plugin for summoners. Allows you to:
- teleport summons to the area where the main enemy (G) is located.
- Summon stuck summons to you (left Shift + G).
- displays the number of living summons of the player.
- switch between active and passive modes for summons (left shift + F9).
All downloads regarding plugins are always here - https://www.myrtana.net/union-pluginy