[GG Means Main Hero] - Translated by translator
This update contains changes from patch 27.0 and 134 new changes. Below are the most important ones:
1. Modifications to the locations Mining Valley, Mountain Pass, Free Mine, Old Mine, Jarkendar, Wasteland, Khorinis, Far Valley, Valdus, Hidenwal. - Thanks to Heartthrum.
-Yarkendar: added a new well on top of the bandit camp.
-Wastelands: added new treasure.
-Distant Valley: added a stash of fire.
-Mountain Valley: redesigned the entrances to the Abandoned Mine and Golden Tunnel locations.
2. Thanks to Heartthrum.
-Added Gothic patch and Union files (version M). When installing on the Steam version, you need to uncheck the checkbox, as these components are installed differently in Steam.
-Added and changed some game resources. Updated plugins.
-Added background music for G1 locations.
-Changed voice control: added option to select TTS and B2 voice control separately when installing. For those who want to play with SnK voice accompaniment, uncheck the B2 voice accompaniment checkbox.
-Added option: music from minstrels in taverns. Tracks may have copyrights, so we do not recommend adding this option when uploading to YouTube or streaming. Otherwise you will have to turn off the game sound for the duration of the song timer in the corner of the screen - - You can also do a save/load to make the songs stop playing.
3. If the player has Union installed and TopLayer's engine burn patch (added to the mod) works along with scripted burn, the monster burn time will be reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.
4. Reduced the delay from 3 sec to 1 sec when extracting a soul from a target if it is in a burning, freezing, etc state.
5. Increased damage per second on pyrokinesis, added 3s delay on target while spell is active.
6. Vatras' life and mana regeneration will work from the end of the scale instead of the beginning. Life and mana regeneration in combat will be added in units, outside of combat in skill percentage. If GG has learned shield mana, mana regen will work 2x worse.
7. Fixed the journal entry for the coward mode setting. When enabled, the entry will be enabled.
8. Added cowardice conditions:
-In Chapter 9, in Valdus: Does not drain before summoning, partners.
-Does not flee from wargs, black goblins, goblin shamans. Other wolves and goblins continue to frighten GG.
-If GG is a mage, below 75% of life, GG will stop running. If GG is not a mage, then below 50% of life, GG stops running.
-Cowardice mode turned off for heroic monsters and those that ignite.
9. Increased bow training limit from 15% to 25% for non-combatants.
10. Added slowing down hacking skill draw after 80%.
11. Fixed the LP increase step for strength and agility training. It was 30-60-120. Now it's 45-90-120.
12. Transferred the quick strike edge to the dexterity attribute.
13. Changed weapon length to 185pcs. Decreased the discrepancy between visual length and in features. - Thanks to N1kx'a.
14. Changed ownership of the 1st floor of the paladin building in Valley of the Mines Castle to a draw.
15. Changed ownership of 2nd floor rooms from militia to paladins.
16. Removed red berries from the description of the Healing Essence recipe.
17. Fixed the cheese soup recipe for the Hedin'a plugin.
18. Fixed black mushroom consumption for mushroom soup in normal and graphical crafting.
19. Added meat soup to the fast food innkeeper dialog.
20. One vial of holy water per 10 arrows instead of 5 arrows is sufficient to craft holy arrows.
21. Updated the Hedin_Union_Craft_System_G15.vdf plugin for graphical crafting (in the mod archive). The game will not work with the old one!
Added journal conditions and a table for crafting arrows and bolts in the Hedin graphical crafting plugin. Current HG stamina will be taken into account. If it is insufficient, some items will not be crafted. The maximum number of items on the log at one time is limited to 150.
22. Changed the recipe for the stamina extract "2 seraphim and 1 young whale" (liver replaced by young whale). Changed recipe for Endurance Drink "3 seraphis, 1 vellayis old and 1 honeycomb" (added vellayis old).
23. Neoras prepares a mana extract and an acceleration potion from the correct ingredients.
24. Bartos of Laran will brew GH potions, not healing potions, from the ingredients for mana potions.
25. Reduced LP in teacher mode by half for learning sustained power, sustained dexterity, learning life regeneration, mana regeneration, stamina regeneration, and silent kill. 25. Reduced LP by 1 in teacher prize mode for learning great skins, great teeth, tongues of fire.
26. Reduced by 2, 2(8), 2(8) LP in Teacher mode (without teachers) when learning recipes for stamina, strength, dexterity permanent items. To cast Heart of Sagitta, one must spend 24 instead of 28 LP with teachers or 30 instead of 48LP without teachers.
27. Reduced the cost in LP for transmutation runes from 15 to 8.
28. Increased the minimum damage on easy and normal difficulty in Chapter 1 to 5.
29. Uderus will sell the teleport to the castle in the Wastelands from the old chapter 2.
30. Increased Urizel's rune damage, added various mages to increase from their profile karma.
31. Added a target condition for the Cross Elemental rune. Will only work against demon lords.
32. Increased the special damage of the Holy Messenger's bow on undead by 100.
33. Reduced burn for GG's Fire Adept and learned fire spells from guardians. 34. Increased fire mage GG and reduced burn. If the subsequent burn is less than the target's fire defense, it equals a new chapter per second (previously completely off).
35. Turned off restoring stamina from Vatra when mining ore or crafting on tables. 36. Only regeneration with potions, beets, seraphim, and ring works.
36. Apothecary's Bracelet will heal if mana, life, or stamina drops below 75% of the scale.
37. Added a command for seated orc shamans to stand before casting a spell on GG.
Ore, salt, silver, wood, and ore golems will have the rock slab fall the same way as stone golems: every second, not every first.
38. Changed the functioning of the Resistance skill from Resilience. Effect of filling the scale with current stamina:
At 0-19% stamina, penalty - 30 to physical defense.
At 20-39% stamina, 15 penalty to Physical Defense.
At 40-59% stamina, no penalty or bonus.
At 60-79% stamina, bonus + 15 to physical defense.
At 80-100% stamina, bonus + 30 to Physical Defense.
39. Added a topic to the GG New Skills Journal called "Key Skills". Added descriptions of Vathras' regeneration, resistance to undead radiance, alchemist specialization, mana protection, stamina from stamina.
40. Changed power and duration of stamina regen from Seraphim, 4 stamina potions, 3 vellayis.
41. Changed 9 models and textures for golem heart. Added new models and textures.
42. Changed heart prices for 10 golem types. - Thanks to Heartthrum.
43, Fairy will once again collect the bandit sword.
44. Increased the daily mining of silver and crystal ore.
If the GG is a fire mage or paladin with a Beliar karma less than 50, then after mining souls from soulstones, the Beliar karma increases by +1 for every 3 souls released and killed.
45. When stealing magic, the Karma of the stone decreases after every 4th theft, not every 2nd theft.
46. Lowered Lord Dakat's level and defense against fire in the Valley of Shadows.
47. Added strength, life and magic defense to goblin Reshez.
48. Changed stats and defense of young lioness, lioness, wild lion, lion mother, wild lion.
49. Reduced stats and defense against slashing for Lord of the Wasteland.
50. Changed the breeding of poisonous rats in the Wastelands. One has remained, the others will be added using the trigger.
51. Hantu demons will be treated as undead to make them easier to hit with silver weapons and paladin spells.
52. Fixed regeneration for harpies, vultures, ravens, and goblin shamans.
53. Gargoron's "PS | Bandits" quest in the Wastelands will require killing bandits in the salt marsh instead of the black tower.
54. They will not be added when entering a location, but in the "What can you tell me about this place?" dialogue.
55. Allowed Brandon to play with GG in the quest "YARB | Necklace for Sancho" regardless of banning all pirates.
56. Fisk's dialogue "Here are your runes!" will add a chance for an armor trade if you address him in the old Chapter 4.
57. Greg will not issue the quest "Yarp | Ouroch the Scout" if Alligator Jack is killed. Scalozub will not spawn in Yarkendar unless GG has received this quest.
58. If GH did not give Rukwaya's heart to Gestat, the hunter will stop hating GH after running the quest "XPd | Very Fat Troll". On the voyage to Irdorat, the quest "DR* | Hunting the Flying Beast" will go to failure.
59. Added terms to Dominic's dialogue in The Wastelands "Wait!". The loss of the staff will not be communicated when other mages are nearby.
60. Added a new quest "YAR* | Omniscience" for Brandon in Yarkendar. Hint boards will spin up at random locations in Yarkendar (immediately) and in the Wastelands (from the old Chapter 3).
61. In Xardas' dialogue, "I have a very interesting thing for you." For Necronomicon, the GG's Dexterity and Strength check, and for Paladins, Guardians, and OndD, 2 Strength/Dexterity potions are given at higher status.
62. Made the sleep restriction for GG more pleasant.
63. If GG failed to get a letter of recommendation from Gerbrandt for Gallahad, a dialogue will appear confirming "Failed to get a letter from Gerbrandt". Dialogue "I have a letter of recommendation for you from Valentin". will explain the failure with Gerbrandt. Gallahad will take over the letter of recommendation from Valentin if Fernando is in prison or if Gerbrandt failed to deliver the letter due to GG's mistake.
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