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Gothic 2: Outfaith - Summary of work for the whole year

Writer's picture: F0rtunoF0rtuno

Greetings, Gothoicomaniacs!

The year is coming to an end, which means it's time to take stock of what has been accomplished during this very busy year. A detailed list of changes is not kept due to some people's laziness, so let's exercise our brains and remember the main points of what was done. Let us say the most important. So here we go...


Added many simple animations of interaction with various objects for people (about 40)

Completely redesigned all five Shield battle overlays to accommodate the new Shield battle mechanics.

Added a lot of visually new mobilization objects: for example, chests, sarcophagi, tables, analops and so on and so forth..... It's hard to remember everything.

Added many interactive interaction objects to induce atmosphere.

Added a few brand new monsters (no fucking repaints of the old ones) - like crocodile, Jharkendar snapper and more... A total of about 5. And this number will increase in the future.

Added about 20 new armor, mostly for NPCs, but some of them will be possible to wear and the main character.

Completely reworked skeletons, from simple Myrtan skeletons to ancient Jharkendar skeletons. He completely removed the filth that remained from the returns - a miserable symbiosis of vanilla with legs and armor from skeletons from The Dark Saga. Now everything is just sexy!For many animations, the processing of event tags was added, which allowed to correctly implement a lot of combat mechanics for monsters and people.Added a system of gestures for the main character and the reaction of NPCs to them. It's not the fact that it stays in the game, but the fact that it's done requires a fix.


Almost completely completed retexturing armor in the game. It remains to complete only the armor of the militia, bandits, townspeople and villagers.

Completely completed retexture of orcs.

Retexturing of many monsters.

Cosmetic retexturing of many locations in the game locations.

Continued retextualization of external and internal objects in the game. We have almost completely moved away from the GTR texture Pack Exclude to make the mod look visually fresher and not repeat in visuals with others, since GTR itself is an indispensable basis for the same NB and many other prefabricated texture packs.


Mostly these are minor adjustments to the bugs found, although several completely new world locations have been created for telling the story and beyond. Caves, coastlines, fortresses, temples...... (here one author took a deep breath).

Now there is life even under water and a lot of interesting things. And the work doesn't stop there.


Mostly minor bug fixes in the code and reworking of existing tasks and mechanics.

Scripting two secondary storylines, about 20 % of the Fire Mages storyline and also about 25 % of the Brotherhood storyline. In fact, they're the main ones we're working on right now, the bald ones.

P.S. true, now the main coder took a day off to distract from three months of tedious scripting, but after the New Year we will continue again.

Many books have been added to the game.

A new story is being written for the Paladins, because the author of the old one refused to continue working with the team and left to make his own mod.

good luck .

The game menu system has been completely redesigned. It is now more comfortable for perception.

Perhaps in the future we will implement the assignment of buttons for various actions in a similar way as in NB. But it's not certain...


Minor cosmetic adjustments.

Added a live menu system, where instead of the initial screensaver, a view of the place in which the main character is located at the last save is displayed. Off by default.

Fully integrated mouse mode for inventory, dialogs and menus without any vraperov and the like.

I anticipate the query of the mouse in the craft, that is, as NB - well, in this form it certainly will not happen. Something like that kills the Gothic style, and it's as important to us as the story or the gameplay. It will be different, but according to the classics.

A new system of protection against the installation of some plugins and scripts for modification, which break the game and cause tons of indignation on the forum in the form of posts "help! Everything's broken!".

The use of any modifications that are not approved by the authors of the modification will be prohibited.

We are working on a volume encryption system with Game resources and scripts.


In the next 2024, it is planned, first of all, to transfer ready-made Guild plots to script rails (approximate order of assignment and degree of readiness):

The Former Fraternity Is Asleep. (Plot ready, scripts in preparation) current readiness - about 25 %. Due to the large scale (about 500 pages of A4 12 fonts, only named NPCs about 50 pcs) and the complexity of the plot, its assignment will take longer than originally expected (the plan was to complete before the New Year).

Magic water (the plot is finished)

Mercenaries and the farm (the story is finished)

Militia and Paladins (the story is told, about 40 % is written).

Magicians of fire (the plot is written, about 20% is written, and those percentages are in the script).

With a full-fledged plot of dark magicians, unfortunately, our former screenwriter did not cope, but we have certain plans for this account, which should not be revealed prematurely...

Small additional plots and factions:

Other tasks of the Masters (Harad, Bosper, Constantino). (The plot is complete, except for the Harad branch. It will be written after the Paladins).

Additional tasks of hunters (the plot is ready)

Guild of Thieves (the plot is ready)

Guild of assassins (cancelled for uselessness)

Guild of merchants (canceled for uselessness, and also because of the refusal of the person who was supposed to write it, to cooperate with the team)

Like Druids, but not druids at all (the plot is finished and scribbled)the island of Tirith (the plot is finished and scribbled)

The story is done, the location model is done. It will be implemented into the DLC for the mod if the mod has mostly positive reviews from the gothic community upon release.

and no other mod until then will implement our original idea to create Drakia. Otherwise, it's not worth it. You will enjoy what comes out of other modders).

The royal fortress (the plot is ready)

The most pressing and frequently asked question concerns the release date of the fashion. Currently, the real release date can be considered 2026. And this date is unlikely to move. In general, the work continues and will continue to the best of our ability. Separately, we would like to thank those friends who supported our collections - for example, on the remaster of armor, as well as our dear Dons, who are still with us at the Don chat and help us a lot with advice and support! See you in the new year 2024! Regards, modification team.

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©2023-2025 by F0rtuno - David Fojtík.

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