A new page dedicated to the Gothic Archive has been added to the website, consisting of two sections.
The First Section: Collection of Old Gothic Versions
This section contains playable old demos, alpha, and beta versions of Gothic, giving you a chance to see how the game looked before its release. You can play these versions and explore content that, for example, was removed from the final version of the game.
In this archive, you will find:
Gothic Sequel Demo (available in Polish, English, and German), featuring original content from before the game's cancellation, implemented with Union, updated scripts, and a game world built from the original work files.
English translation of the Finster demo, the first Gothic demo from 1996.
Gothic II FPP Mod by Sueski.
All Published Pre-Release Versions:
Finster Demo
Gothic 0.56c Press Demo
Gothic 0.64b Press Demo
Gothic 0.94k Press Demo
Gothic 1.00b DevBuild
Gothic 1.01d/e Christmas Edition
Gothic 1.04d Demo1
Gothic 1.07c Demo2
Gothic 1.07c Demo2 (English)
Gothic 1.08j Demo3 (English)
Sequel 1.12f
To run versions 0.56c and 0.64b, you first need to install nGlide. Then, run the nglide_config.exe file located in the C:\Windows\WOW64 directory and select your desired resolution.
The 1.01d and 1.01e versions are included in the same archive. To launch version 1.01e, use the Gothic.exe file. For version 1.01d, use the GothicD.exe file.
As for the Czech language for Sequel, you can find it here - https://prekladyher.eu/preklady/gothic-sequel.1285/
Gothic Archive.org
The Second Part: Gothic Archive
The second section is dedicated to the website https://gothicarchive.org, where you can find a wealth of materials related to Gothic's development and beyond. It includes various images, sketches, interviews, photos of the development team, and many other fascinating items.
The entire archive contains 6 GB of materials, which you can browse directly on the website or download in its entirety to your computer.
Direct link to the archive page on our website: https://www.myrtana.net/gothic-archive
Gothic Archive and additional uncategorized content can also be found under the "More" tab in the main menu: https://www.myrtana.net/více