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Gothic 1: Othello Mod - Update 3.6.7 - Complete changes

Writer's picture: F0rtunoF0rtuno

Planned date: 20.06.2024 - I'll start translating it as soon as it comes out, see how much there will be, prepare the Czech version and then the English version. (2-4 hours after release it should will be ready)

[fix] Cavalorn - Fixed variable, NPC is now immortal.

[fix] Rune: Anticipation of Death - Correctly displayed name in inventory.

[fix] Removed sword (old code) from the monks' monastery chest.

[fix] Fixed environmental sound effect in Goblin Cave.

[fix] Jackal - Now wields a heavy crossbow. It was iconic for his character, so it's returning.

[fix] Myxir no longer has the old script for circle teaching from version 2.1.

[fix] Adjusted item positions in the swamps for easier picking up.

[fix] Removed unused variables and constants.

[fix] Added fixed missing model of magic ore from version 3.0.

[fix] Crossbow "Bearer of Doom" - Correctly displays bonus to long-range shooting skill.

[fix] Crossbow "Nightmare of Harpies" - Correctly displays bonus to long-range shooting skill.

[fix] Crossbow "Trollslayer" - Correctly displays bonus to long-range shooting skill.

[fix] Crossbow "Endless Agony" - Correctly displays bonus to long-range shooting skill.

[fix] Calom's dungeon - Fixed collision-free chest.

[fix] Saturas - Correctly displays number of maps for players.

[fix] Diego - No longer fights with bare hands.

[fix] Dragon's Bow - Now correctly requires lizard's fiery tongue instead of sulfur.

[fix] Corristo - Correctly displays the name in purchase description: Heavy Mantle of Fire Mage.

[fix] Cord - Fixed journal entry: teachers.

[fix] Angar - Fixed journal entry: teachers.

[fix] Thorus - Swamp herbs delivery for Iron Barons: dialogue won't disappear if player doesn't meet conditions.

[fix] Master Jewelcrafting - Enhanced Rings: Upgrading to excellent level correctly removes two golem hearts.

[fix] Rudobarons' room doors have the correct combination to open.

[fix] Atra and Scara keys have been removed from the game.

[fix] Diego - No longer flees from troll in the focal point mission.

[fix] Xardas - Dialogue regarding starting the magic ore mission now includes hero's comment on the plate armor of the mining beetle.

[fix] Corrected typos in text.

[fix] Innos's Wrath - Adjusted combat experience bonus in overloaded state to new balance of version 3.1 (reduced from 20% to 10%).

[fix] system - When combining ctrl + alt + f8 (emergency reset), the character now jumps with collision calculation for the world.

[fix] system - Improved targeting recovery on items that the hero cannot pick up.

[fix] system - Fixed description in sword skill training.

[fix] Special training - Displays the correct maximum threshold for learning.

[fix] Lares - Fixed Dexterity training in special training.

[fix] Cronos - Fixed Vitality training in special training.

[fix] Xardas - Fixed Vitality training in special training.

[fix] Cor Kalom - no longer displays duplicated acquired items.

[fix] Angry Cor Kalom - now continuously pursues the player.

[fix] Fixed Fire Arrows spell now being a standalone spell in the game, rather than Fire Arrow.

[fix] Mining Beetle Egg now has the correct selling price.

[fix] Moon Grass model has been optimized for weaker computers. Triangle count reduced from 3800 to 1000.

[fix] Fixed issue in "Lost Guardian" mission where player gets stuck.

[fix] Fixed Fire Mages routines.

[fix] Horac correctly increases strength by 5 points.

[fix] Drax correctly increases Dexterity by 5 points.

[fix] Zitrix no longer blocks dialogue after completing the task - in case of completing the experiment.

[fix] Fixed bug in B_MagicHurtNpc function, which now correctly triggers B_Afterkill function.

[fix] NPCs now properly heal after combat.

[fix] NPCs continue to pursue the player even after leaving the guild portal.

[fix] Updated FixSoundManager plugin to the latest version:

        Fixed playback of sounds with 8-bit depth.

        Updated XAudio2 library to the latest version 2.9.

        Added new sound resource libraries: OpenAL and OpenAL Hrtf (improved spatial sound on headphones).

[fix] Script function "B_MagicHurtNPC" now applies damage directly through the engine, ensuring damage is correctly displayed on screen.

[fix] Added animation and option to collect items underwater without fast loot - for players preferring full immersion in the game.

[fix] Fixed camera jumping during diving when looking down.

[fix] Fixed game crash when streaming on Discord.

[fix] Fixed overlapping ring combinations when owning more than 2 pieces of the same ring.

[fix] Added more waypoints at the Old Camp gate to reduce Bal Parvez's frequent returns in his mission.

[fix] Ignition effect will not appear if the player causes 0 damage.

[fix] Zitrix correctly removes teleportation rune from the player.

[fix] Corristo triggers alarm if player teleports to Old Camp, except when connected to mages.

[fix] Cayden correctly removes amulet from the player.

[fix] Bodies in the quest "Healing Potions Production" no longer contain keys.

[fix] Fixed sidestep animations for lurkers and lizards during walking.

[fix] Enabled unarmed strike against enemy without targeting.

[fix] Goblin shamans now properly receive damage from B_hurtMagic function.

[fix] Completed pickpocketing training in new function, now displays correct message.

[fix] Several NPCs now have correct IDs.

[fix] Bandits in the tavern (New Camp) no longer have dialogues related to Free Mine.

[adjusted] Jewelcrafting no longer requires blacksmithing.

[adjusted] Horacy, Drax, Baal Tyon, Baal Cadar, Kalom's Recipe are now considered acquired bonuses, not learned.

[adjusted] Description of weapon critical bonus has been modified to avoid misleading players.

[adjusted] Maximum learning level reduced from 190 to 180 (due to changes in permanent bonuses considered as learned).

[adjusted] Kirgo:

  • Combat skill reduced from 35% to 30%.

  • No longer exits "combat" state in the arena.

  • Now wields a regular sword as weapon.

[adjusted] Kharim:

  • Combat skill reduced from 70% to 50%.

  • No longer exits "combat" state in the arena.

[adjusted] Gor Hanis:

  • No longer exits "combat" state in the arena.

[adjusted] Baal Lukor:

  • Strength reduced from 90 to 75 points.

  • No longer exits "combat" state when player flees.

[adjusted] Reduced number of magic roots in the game from 375 to 300.

[adjusted] Reduced number of healing roots in the game from 375 to 300.

[adjusted] Recipes: Reduced number of healing roots required to brew potion from 5 to 4 pieces.

[adjusted] Recipes: Reduced number of magic roots required to brew potion from 5 to 4 pieces.

[Edited] Mysterious Rune Stone:

Reduced lizard count in the first fragment from 2 to 1 to make the mission more accessible.

[Edited] Jewelry:

Added new unique rings and amulets.

[Edited] Aleph:

Now gives a different ring.

[Edited] Grape Wine:

Reduced mana regeneration from 10 to 3 points.

Added health regeneration of 3 points.

[Edited] Changed the model of the NPC level 3 one-handed axe to make it stand out more.

[Edited] Shaman's Orc Amulet:

Physical defense: Reduced by 8.

Magic resistance increased from 8 to 30 points.

[Edited] Mage's Belt:

Mana gained increased from 5% to 10%.

Penalty to maximum health increased from -10 to -15 points.

[Edited] Belt of Power:

Penalty to resistance reduced from -20 to -15 points.

Penalty to maximum health increased from -25 to -35 points.

[Edited] Staff - Lord of Serpents:

Removed - Close combat attack bonus 3%.

Added - Dexterity bonus +4.

[Edited] Teleportation Rune:

Removed - Thread with Milten.

Added - Missions now start at Zitrix!

Fixed source code for mage notes (fixed rare journal entry bugs).

[Edited] Combat Proficiency Training:

Critical damage reduced from 300% to 200%.

Level 1 increases critical damage by 25% (TOTAL: 225%).

Level 2 increases critical damage by 25% (TOTAL: 250%).

Level 3 increases critical damage by 50% (TOTAL: 300%).

[Edited] Increased health of all creatures by 15 points and their maximum health scale.

[Edited] Reduced physical defense and magic resistance of creatures and summons.

[Edited] Enemies on the way to New Camp have been changed to those more accessible to the hero at low levels.

[Edited] Item "Hatchet" changed to item "Sharpened Rod" as a two-handed weapon.

[Edited] Removed Spirit Elixir (under the old citadel). Added Moon Herb to find.

[Edited] Removed Life Elixir (above the skeleton mine). Added Royal Herb.

[Edited] Removed Strength Elixir (at Pacha near the sheep). Added Dragon Spice near the mountain fortress.

[Edited] Removed Intelligence Elixir (in goblin territory mines). Added Butterfly Rose at the mine entrance.

[Edited] Removed Dexterity Elixir (next to goblin arena near the sheep). Added goblin berries.

[Edited] Riodrian received 2 Royal Sorrel in Chapter 3.

[Edited] Perma plant costs increased from 300 to 350.

[Edited] Perma elixir costs increased from 600 to 700.

[Edited] Mushroom: Devil's Claw - changed health regeneration from 3% to 5 points.

[Edited] Giant Ant Meat - changed health regeneration from 2% to 3 points.

[Edited] Rice - changed health regeneration from 3% to 10 points.

[Edited] Giant Ant Dish - changed health regeneration from 15% to 25 points.

[Edited] Belt of Power:

Penalty to maximum health increased from 35 to 50 points.

Penalty to magic resistance removed -15.

[Edited] Changes for Staves:

Base magic damage.

Base physical damage.

Requires Maximum PE -> Intelligence.

Damage scaling reduced from [36 - 120] to [30 - 100].

Strength of Spells bonus from Staves reduced from 33% to 20%.

[Edited] Changed forest appearance.

[Edited] Removed part of the story with the sunken tower of Xardas (repeated jumping and pentagram search). After finding the magical ore armor, the player can now use a rune to teleport directly to Xardas using the pentagram.

[Edited] New model for item: Marchew, Milk.

[Edited] Baal Parvez now has a scepter instead of Staves.

[nerf] Wrath of Innos - reduced maximum HP bonus from 100 to 50.

[nerf] Mordrag's Ring - removed armor bonus: 3 points.

[nerf] Teaching the art of combat changed from percentage bonus: 3/6/9 to 3/4/5.

[nerf] Amulet of the Sleeper Devotee - reduced bonus to all attributes from 4 to 3.

[nerf] Tier 0 Weapon: Reduced initial damage of one-handed weapons.

[nerf] Baal Lukor stat changes:

Critical hit chance reduced from 40% to 25%.

Strength reduced from 75 to 70 points.

Maximum HP reduced from 4800 to 3800 points.

[nerf] Queen of Mining Worms:

Armor of the Queen of Mining Worms reduced from 69 to 40 points.

Resistance of the Queen of Mining Worms reduced from 37 to 25 points.

Maximum HP reduced from 4800 to 3800 points.

[nerf] Equipping a weapon in hand removes items associated with fist bonuses.

[nerf] Equipping items associated with fist bonuses removes the weapon in hand.

[nerf] Items associated with fist bonuses hinder skill training.

[nerf] Requirements for learning weapon use have been increased:

Level 1: from 40 points to 50 points.

Level 2: from 70 points to 100 points.

Level 3: from 120 points to 150 points.

[buff] Schemy - Added a new schema for level III weapons: one-handed, two-handed, bows, crossbows.

[buff] Amulet Neka - Increased health bonus from 20 to 25 points.

[buff] Gorn now has a better weapon to increase his utility in searching for the focal stone.

[buff] Reduced the cost of lightweight digger pants, miner, novice veil from 50 to 30 ores.

[buff] Tier 0 Weapon: Increased initial damage of two-handed weapons.

[buff] Acrobatics:

VB cost reduced from 5 to 0 points.

Now requires 90 agility.

[buff] Blood String:

HP per kill increased from 10 to 12 points.

Healing increased from 5% to 10%.

[buff] Reduced recipe costs:

Wild berries, plantain, demonic mushrooms, and frog roots reduced from 80 to 60 ores.

Healing root, magic root reduced from 100 to 80 ores.

[buff] Reduced schema costs from 50 to 30 ores.

[buff] Amulet Neka:

Increased maximum HP bonus from 25 to 30 points.

[buff] Increased damage of Ice Arrow, Fire Arrow, Fireball from 20 to 25 points.

[buff] Changed teaching: ore costs change with training progress:

from 1 to 30 - 5 ores per LP

from 31 to 60 - 10 ores per LP

from 61 to 90 - 15 ores per LP

from 91 to 120 - 20 ores per LP

from 121 to 150 - 25 ores per LP

from 151 to 180 - 30 ores per LP

Here is the translation of the buffed changes into English:

[buff] Alchemy:

Previously, the player obtained seeds at level:

1 - Healing 1x

2 - Healing 1x and Mana 1x

To simplify, the method of obtaining seeds has been changed to:

1 - Healing 1x

2 - Alternately 2x Healing / 2x Mana

3 - Alternately 3x Healing / 3x Mana

[buff] Wine:

Maximum point restoration changed to a fixed value.

Increased point restoration from 16 to 20 points.

[buff] Rice:

Maximum point restoration changed to a fixed value.

[buff] Ranged Weapons - increased critical hit chance from max 30% to 40%.

[buff] Scatty now teaches how to use crossbows.

[buff] Increased maximum training limit from 110 to 120 points.

[buff] Alberto now sells mana elixirs and arrows.

[buff] Swamp Rats: Their attack cannot be interrupted and attacks on them do not affect their stability.

[buff] Swamp Shark: Their attack cannot be interrupted.

[buff] Shadow Ghost: Their attack cannot be interrupted.

[buff] Golems: Their attack cannot be interrupted.

[buff] Increased HP and Mana restoration of meals.

[buff] Reduced price of Nordmar Beer from 50 to 20 ores.

[buff] Added three options for solving the passage to Kalom's room (in the dungeon).

[buff] Scatty is now stronger to better showcase her combat abilities.

[buff] Gomez:

Increased health from 3000 to 4000 points.

Increased level from 100 to 200 (more experience points for defeating).

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