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Gothic 2: Guilds 1.6 [Version 3] v.27.3 - Update

Writer's picture: F0rtunoF0rtuno

The update includes patches 27.0, 27.1, 27.1.1, 27.1.2, 27.2, and 251 new changes. The most important ones are listed below:

  1. Installer fixes:

  • The module resource bundle has been rebuilt. New textures have been added.

  • Everywhere the version 1.5 appeared, it has been changed to 1.6 (file names, mod menus, readme, etc.).

  • The following Hedin plugins have been integrated into the mod: Hedin_Union_Craft_System_G15, Hedin_Union_Guilds_Mini_Fixes. These plugins have been individually removed from the installer.

  • The player's menu file ScriptMenu.d has been updated.

  1. Technical and visual fixes for the following locations: Khorinis, Hidenwald, Remote Valley, Irdorath, Jharkendar, Wastelands, Valley of Mines, Sleeper's Temple, Lost Island – Thanks to Heartthrum.

  • Interactions with more interactive objects in the above locations have been fixed and supplemented.

  • The transition from the Valley of Mines to the City of Orcs has been fixed. Now, as originally intended, the gate will only lower upon reaching Chapter 3 and if the player has Ulu-Mulu in their inventory.

  • Three new bonuses for finding secret places have been added to Hidenwald.

  • Hidden fire-finding places have been added to the locations: Hidenwald, Jharkendar, Valley of Mines, Remote Valley.

  • The exit from Khorinis to the Remote Valley has been redesigned. There will be a new drop-off point and a new visual scene. Edgar's dialogues have been changed.

  • In Jharkendar, a secret location has been restored according to the original intention of the Piranhas, where a tree falls.

  • In the Sleeper's Temple, the grid trigger at "Van-Grash, undead shaman" has been fixed.

  • Four gold veins have been added to Xardas's golden tunnel – done in patch 27.2, we forgot to mention it.

  1. Additions to Guilds1.6_Scripts.mod:

  • TopLayer's ZUnstuckSlidingPlayer.dll patch to get the sliding hero out of texture traps. If the player continuously slides for two seconds and their Y-coordinate has not changed by more than 100, a more suitable polygon will be chosen to teleport the hero.

  • TopLayer's zDropUnconsiousSmarter.dll patch to prevent the killing of people. If the hero has a weapon with piercing, fire, or magical damage (Uriziel or staves) in their hands, they will not defeat the enemy in close combat.

Graphic Crafting Plugin HEDIN_UNION_CRAFT_SYSTEM.DLL by Hedin: Now all 15 script crafts are available in graphical form (when the hero is at the crafting table) and as an informant (when far from the tables). Keyboard shortcut tips for this plugin have been added to the 12th page of the menu.

  • Updated Union_Inventory_Filter.dll Library for Hedin's inventory filter plugin.

  • Redesigned Keyboard Shortcut Tips on the 10th Page of the menu (moved to the 11th). The default resolution has been fixed from 640x480 to 800x600.

  • Updated Haart's Union_ScriptMenu.dll Plugin: The ScriptMenu.d file needs to be updated. \system\Autorun\ScriptMenu.d

  • Hedin_Union_Guilds_Mini_Fixes Plugin for Guilds 1.6

  • Lockpicking Functionality: This feature, similar to the one in Archolos, is activated after completing the super crowbars quest. The number of required turns when picking a lock can decrease based on the lockpicking skill, down to a minimum of two turns. Every 20 skill points reduce the number of turns by one. For example, if you have a skill of 62 and the lock requires 6 turns, you will only need three turns.

  • Corresponding Message Displayed: A message appears at the top of the screen when picking a lock.

  • Improved Display and Customization: Enhanced display and customization options for the size and position of the DC and stamina status bars.

  • Combat Animation Switching for 1h/2h: Toggle between "Novice," "Experienced," and "Master" using the combination of left shift + 1, 2, 3 (on the numpad). For the rapier, animations can additionally be switched to the B2 variant (4, 5).

  • Quick Summon of the Seeker Light: Left shift + F5.

  • Seeker Light Can Loot Corpses: This ability works when the hidden item search skill is learned.

  • Seeker Light Teleportation: If the light freezes and is far from the hero, it will attempt to teleport back to the hero.

  • Added Icon for Light Presence: By default, this icon is displayed in the top right corner of the game.

  • Removal of crooked arrows/arrows in the world when loading a save and near the hero.

  • Disabling sitting when the inventory is open if thirst is active.

  • Removal of empty dead bandits and some dead mobs after loading.

  • Removal of sprint firmly assigned to Caps Lock and left shift: Sprint will work on the tilde. Can be set in gothic.ini keySwitchSprintMode=KEY_GRAVE.

  • Added parameters for setting the positions of lines about the karma of Innos, Beliar, Adanos, and the Rock.

  • Random loading screens with tips.

  • Some bosses and their minions will no longer harm each other: Option needBossEnemiesNoDamage=1/0. Enabled by default.

  • Option to set the spawn distance of summoned creatures for the hero: Option in gothic.ini spawnDistance=1200. Can be set from 500 to 1400. Default is 1200. To disable the feature, set spawnDistance=0.

  • Display of NPC statistics: Left shift + Z.

  • Save arrow/bolt selection between saves.

  • Ability to teleport summoned creatures to yourself: Default left shift + T.

  • Visualization of some mini-games.

  • Option to enable/disable the display of date, time, and experience embedded in the mod: Disabled by default.

  • Fix for frozen animations after enemy deaths.

  • Disable opening inventory in water.

  • Improved counting of summoned creatures: Added check when combining summon teleportation (left shift + T). If the summoned creature is not in the world, the counter resets.

  • The hero can take additional damage ignoring protection if attacking a creature close to the group and is very close: Damage cannot exceed 5% of the player's maximum life and cannot kill the hero. Can be disabled in gothic.ini (bAdditionalDamageFromEnemies=0/1).

  • Light will no longer participate in fights and obstruct the hero: It will stay behind the hero.

  • Added fix @Liker from NB to improve the functionality of spells with numbers higher than 100 (spirit arrow, meteorite, etc.).

  • Added checks: If an NPC/mob freezes upon death, the light will not loot it.

  • Added highlighting of rare items with a different color: Can set item instances in gothic.ini.

  • Added history of items looted from NPC/mobs: Can be displayed using right shift + O. (Works only for loot from dead mobs and NPCs. Other light collects resources of the mod.)

  • Option to set the positions of texts about poisoning, detoxification, and ore mining skills: For example:

  • poisonPos=2000,50

  • detoxificationPos=4000,50

  • mineMessagePos=3500,500

  1. Plugin Mini-fixes for Guilds (Union_Guilds_Mini_Fixes.dll) by Hedin in patch 27.3 fixes

Fix for the S_WHIRLWIND_VICTIM getting stuck: If dead, it will fall.

  • Fixed the "Root Entanglement" spell.

  • Fixed animations of wolves and bandits.

  • If the player is lying down, the inventory will close.

  • In the menu, it is possible to enable or disable crafting and change the font size for the recipe name and ingredient names within the range 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.

  • When changing worlds with the free teleport plugin, tips will be displayed on the loading screens.

  1. Two settings for Hedin's inventory plugin have been added to Guilds_1.5.INI in the form of a list.

  2. For the graphical crafting plugin, the general range of sharpening for crafting from rough sword blades and for crafting axes has been narrowed.

  3. Service arrows for crafting animations have been added to the Seeker Light exceptions.

  4. In the multi-page menu, an item for the number of hidden items found by the Seeker Light has been added to the "Thief Skills" subgroup.

  5. The number of activated traps (sarcophagi, chests, spawn) has been added to the "Thief Skills" subgroup in the menu.

  6. A masochist achievement has been added to the game and the multi-page menu.

  7. The pedant bonus has been added - available in chapter 3 or later.

  8. Fixed the display of the "Speedster" achievement.

  9. The number of kilometers run by the hero in each chapter has been added: The data will be displayed in the library at Galahad's house.

  10. The number of monster groups killed by location (8 individually and the rest overall) has been added: It will be displayed on the 9th page of the menu.

  11. Fixed the counters for the "Collected" group for the 6th page of the menu: Beets, beers, visions, mushrooms.

  12. A copy of the tips from the loading screens has been added to the journal: It will be added for each location upon killing the first monster in the location.

  13. Fixed the functionality of the Endurance skill from stamina.

  14. The curse aura in the mines will not work when the hero is mining gold.

  15. The chest trap function in Jharkendar has been restored for normal and hard difficulty: These traps are from SnK-MP2.

  16. At the start of the game with Xardas, an option for "Hard difficulty (partially custom settings)" has been added: Some parameters can be selected that are not available in the pre-set hard difficulty.

  17. Changed the "Many monsters" setting. Now there is a choice between few, medium, many. On easy difficulty, the choice is between few or medium, on normal difficulty there is a choice of all three options, and on hard difficulty, the choice is between medium or many. By default, a medium number of monsters is selected.

  18. Functions for starting, failing, completing, and canceling tasks have been added. Their counting in different locations and chapters has been added. All mod tasks have been transferred to the new functions. Statistics are displayed on the 10th page of the menu.

  19. The old functions for moving tasks from current to failed, completed, or canceled will be called only 9 times per game upon gaining the first GG experience at the start of a new chapter, instead of tens of thousands of times. - Required screenshots of the journal "stuck" in "current tasks" topics.

  1. Reduced the chapter for canceling 27 incomplete tasks from Chapter 1 of Khorinis. Instead of 6 old tasks going into canceled for 1 task from Chapter 2, 6 tasks from Chapter 4, and 20 tasks from Chapter 3. – If you accept a task and hesitate to complete it, it will go into canceled, which will deprive you of the reward.

  2. Created 22 new variables to check that GG talked about something instead of the standard dialogue function. – Thanks to N1kx.

  3. Added a third level of transmutation. Available from Mixir after restoring the Eye of Innos and transitioning to the 4th new chapter in a dialogue with Pyrokar. Reduced the training costs for levels 1 and 2 in LP and gold, and reduced the costs for transmuting teleportation runes.

  4. Added a requirement to know rune transmutation for the mixed teleportation rune.

  5. In the teacher mode, the cost of training in dexterity and strength will depend not only on GG's level but also on the difficulty level. Reduced gold requirements.

  6. Added 11 missing string constants for focus names from G1 and location donor mods.

  7. Fixed the name of the transmuted amulet "Amulet of Great Power" to avoid confusion with the regular "Amulet of Power".

  8. Added the option to perform transmutation on 10 recipes more than once. (8 recipes twice, 1 recipe three times, 1 recipe four times).

  9. Tandor in the DR castle will sell a fire protection amulet instead of a ore amulet.

  10. Uderus in the Wasteland will sell a dexterity amulet instead of a weapon protection amulet.

  11. In the dialogue with Feros "What are you doing here, in the castle?" -> "What will you give me if I find your sword?" for the quest "DRz | Feros's Sword" GG will get a ring of medium strength instead of a ring of small strength.

  12. The improvement of Beliar's Claw sword has been enhanced. Requirements for GG stats have been increased by 20, and the initial GG level for improvement at Beliar's altar has been raised. Improvement works up to "GG level 30", with further improvement every 2 GG levels (31, 33, 35 ... – ... 47). Fewer souls will be needed for each level of sword improvement, but the option to improve using GG experience has been added. 1H Beliar's Claw has been switched to dexterity. Starting at 80 dexterity, with a step of +15. Damage addition +8. Max improvement 162 damage. 2H Beliar's Claw starts with 90 strength, with a step of +15. Damage addition +10. Max improvement 190 damage.

  13. Changed the recipes for crafting runes of circles 1-6. New ingredients have been added. This applies to both scripted and graphical crafting.

  14. In the milk soup recipe, fire nettle has been replaced with calendula.

  15. During GG's sleep, hot semi-finished products in the inventory will be cooled.

  16. Crossbows in OndD now require guild membership.

  17. Brian will replenish pickaxes if he equips one himself.

  18. Fixed the bonus portion counter for "Blunt from Swampweed." It will no longer show "minus 5," "minus 6," etc.

  19. Added a message about the removal of Ulu-Mulu when attacking orcs.

  20. Changed the content to text in the book "Secrets of the Ancients," which GG and Milten can read on the Lost Island if GG reads 130 books throughout the game. It slightly reveals the lore of Guild 1.6 about the Sleeper.

  21. Added an item to the karma limits by chapters for dragons killed in the Mine. The more dragons killed, the higher the karma limits.

  22. Fixed 9 types of herbs that became uncollectible by GG in locations.

  23. Added dialogue conditions with Xardas "Teach me the art of demonology." The dialogue and training will be available after completing the quest "XRk | News from Yarkendar."

  24. Added dialogue conditions with Gaan "Why do you look so suspicious?" It will become unavailable after the dialogue "Have you heard about the missing people?"

  25. Added a ban on teleporting to the Mine in the tomb with Kadar.

  26. Added a teleport ban in 21 blocks for Khorinis and Mine teleports. It will work in several places where GG must pass without the option to escape.

  27. Fixed the Sun amulets. They will be unequipped, reducing fire protection.

  28. 51. A friendly fire ban was added in the swamp camp of the Valley of Mines, at the beginning and end of Irdorath.

  29. A new quest for Radwin in Hiddenval-1 "HD* | Honey for Uchar" was added.

  30. The quest "HDg | Rabbit Hunt" was moved from Radwin in Hiddenval-1 to Albin in Hiddenval-2.

  31. The quest "DR* | Chromanin" was completely rewritten. The first diary appears in the 4th old (6th new) chapter, and Netbek in dialogue advises where to look for the first. The battle with Kadar was slightly changed. After completing the Chromanin quest, the "Netbek Map of the Valley of Mines" was added.

  32. Gestat will craft armor from the special crawler's shell in 3 hours.

  33. In 6 dialogues with Bartos of Laransk, the waiting period was reduced from one day to 3 hours.

  34. The time to repair the ship on the Lost Island after all quests was reduced to 3 hours.

  35. To teleport through the bloodstain to Xardas' garden, level 1 is required.

  36. After returning from locations with increased stamina consumption, stamina consumption in Khorinis will decrease to the "hard" difficulty level.

  37. Conditions in the dialogue with Darion "Here are the trophies for you." were fixed, and the transition after handing over everything. He will not offer to hand over everything or half of "nothing."

  38. Rosie will stop trading in the dialogue "What can you offer me?" when she escapes from Sekob.

  39. In the dialogue with Rosie "I'll find my way from here." the distance of the route checkpoints was increased. If you are escorting her to the farm, you need to take her not to the kitchen with Tekla but to the path in front of Onar's house.

  40. Phrases for the militia and paladins at the entrance to Azgan were added. The option to treat them to hangover beer was added.

  41. Two ambient dialogues for knights in Azgan "Who's in charge here?" and "What's interesting to see here?" were added.

  42. Adept's robes (1 piece) and fire mage's robes (3 pieces) can only be consecrated once.

  43. In the dialogue with Pyrokar "I'm ready to take your test, master." rune stones will be taken from GG and placed in a chest with quest preparation for GG's first rune.

  44. On the Lost Island, in the dialogues with the captains "Finally you woke up! How do you feel?" sextants will be removed from GG's inventory and placed in a chest on the island, making it possible to search for the sextant within the quest.

  45. In the dialogues with Keroloth "I think I found your wallet." and the subsequent "I suspect a dragon hunter." switching to nearby weapons was added.

  46. Orlan's inventory cleaning was duplicated. The inventory cleaning function was changed for 21 merchants for the 9th chapter of Khorinis.

  47. The number of groups that need to be recruited in the 9th chapter in the dialogue with Hagen "So what did you decide?" was increased if GG developed his tower and it withstood the orc attack.

  48.  The number of orcs that need to be killed in the 9th chapter according to Lord Hagen's quest "HRfo | Kill as many as you can!" has been changed. A notification will appear on the screen. It will now be 30-60-90 for easy-normal-hard levels instead of 50 for any difficulty. GG's companions' kills will also count for this quest.

  49. A counter for orc leaders in Khorinis has been added in the 9th chapter. The journal entry for the quest "HRfo | Liberation of Khorinis" has been fixed. A mention of the city's liberation has been added to the "HRm | War with the Orcs" entry.

  50.  A distance check has been added for the counter of orcs killed by GG in the final battle on Onar's field. Only those who come to the battlefield will be counted, not those around.

  51. A lightning strike and penalty have been added if GG starts liberating the city of Khorinis before completing 3 quests after the final battle ("HRfo | Kill as many as you can!", "HRfo | Rune Magic", "HRfo | Liberation of Khorinis"). For each flag-bearing orc killed by GG, 50 to 150 max life will be deducted.

  52. Melchior and Gaspar will be dead in the 9th chapter in Khorinis.

  53. Unitor in the 9th chapter according to the quest "IT | Revenge of the Guardians" will not appear on the floor of Xardas' tower in the Valley of Mines but in a secret place in the tower. In the dialogue with Saturas "I need another Unitor.", a note was added to the journal that the Unitor needs to be carefully searched for.

  54. The experience for the Gor Na Kosh quest "HRb | Speed Advantage" has been reduced. The fast sled can only be given on easy difficulty. On other difficulties, it will lead to quest failure.

  55. The influence of holy light on Seekers, Crows, Orcs, Cannibals, Demons, and Dragons has been reduced. The old damage for the undead has been retained.

  56.  Vampirism in elemental sphere guardians will depend on the difficulty. The number of activations of vampirism in elemental sphere guardians has been reduced from 8 to 5. Protection against fire and wind has been increased by 20.

  57. Fire protection for 17 monsters has been reduced: Black Harpy, Knight, Salt Golem, Oasis Crocodile, Red Lizard, Slotted Red Lizard, Lion, Wild Lion, Mature Lion, Wild Lioness, Stone Lion, Leopard, Mature Sablehorn, Deep Crab, Goblin Firestarter, Sea Turtle, Land Turtle. Fire and Salt Lizard deflection.

  58.  Fire protection for the Young Sandworm has been reduced.

  59. Strength, dexterity, maximum, and current life for the Silver Golem have been increased.

  60. 131 screenshots processed by Drag0nS0ul.

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