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Gothic 2: Renovation - Update 0.51, 0.52, 0.52_SE

Writer's picture: F0rtunoF0rtuno

(Jako vždy přeloženo přes Chat GPT)

  • Fixed a bug with Strike of Faith (it dealt damage even to targets with immunity to magic).

  • Removed the immunity to slashing damage from ice creatures.

  • Expanded descriptions for a number of items (scrolls/summoning runes, weapons, corrupted berries, etc.).

  • Fixed noted errors in texts/notifications.

  • Added loot for initial zombies, and introduced a few new zombie subtypes.

  • Nerfed Raven's lightning (reduced its damage and it will only charge/trigger when Raven takes damage).

  • Further slight nerf to the third versions of militia hammers/pickaxes - reduced the threshold for activating the Fate enchantment (from 125 to 100 for pickaxes and from 150 to 125 for hammers); first and second versions of hammers/pickaxes remain unchanged.

  • Simplified the logic and visual effects of the Nazgûls in Ir-Dorath (to minimize game crashes).

  • Minor adjustments to the combat logic of some human enemies.

  • Adjusted the volume of certain sounds (surf noise, wind noise, rustling grass, etc.).

  • Fixed a bug with the Dragon Star amulet triggering twice (when used together with Strike of Faith).

  • Changed the visual effect of the ranged attack for a few dragons (to be more accurate and with fewer collision issues).

  • Fixed several minor bugs in various functions.

  • Added a new sleep system (in short, you can now sleep only between 20:00 and 05:50), additionally increased the number of scrolls in the Chest of Dreams that appear after sleep, plus changed several sleep-related options/items.

  • Fixed a bug in the Witches' Control Interception ability (which allowed them to take over another summoned creature and send it against the main character).

  • Small adjustment in the dialogue with pirate Bill (it will be possible to learn acrobatics and thievery, even if you haven’t spoken to him before Greg’s return).

  • Joining the Thieves Guild will also reduce the chance of waking the owner of a chest when a lockpick breaks during its opening.

  • Fixed the summoning counter for Tuhliks (the counter didn’t reset if all daily attempts were not used). The number of Tuhliks summoned for the day will be visible in a text notification.

  • A few new textures.

  • Minor balance adjustments:

  • slightly weakened runic wargs and skeletons, adjusted the combat timer for all summons,

  • several changes to the monster map, adjusted parameters for some monsters,

  • added descriptions to a few items, increased the price of some items (aquamarines and something else),

  • mages can now also recover mana during sleep, not just the Fire Mages guild,

  • fixed several minor bugs (such as NPCs getting stuck in ranged combat mode after loading a game, summoned creatures will no longer be aggressive towards the main character after accidentally casting a spell on them using runes from the Claw of Beliar, etc.),

  • increased the duration of some effects (sleep, speed),

  • more valuable loot in the Fish of Fortune,

  • some new loot in shadowbeasts (if you don’t kill them with a desiccation spell)

  • and so on.

  • Removed strafing from Warlocks' combat to prevent them from getting stuck in endless side-running.

  • In the Valley of Mines, it will be possible to find several crossbows and bows - common but powerful enough for Chapter 2.

  • New items for Bosper's and Harad's apprentices (sold by masters in Chapters 2 and 3).

  • Fixed more minor bugs (such as disappearing teleportation scrolls from sales).

  • Slightly reworked magic bows and crossbows (changed the way effects work, replaced some sounds, adjusted notifications, increased the price of special bows/crossbows, etc.).

  • Minor changes/new features:

  • fixed several noted bugs,

  • added a bonus for killing the Blood Demon,

  • slightly nerfed Reinforced Bandit Armor and Reinforced Bandit Clothing,

  • replaced one shadowbeast-zombie (with knockdown) in Ir-Dorath,

  • slightly adjusted target selection logic for summoned creatures,

  • increased the duration of some temporary buffs,

  • added a ranged attack for zombie-mages,

  • added a few initial weapons that require mana,

  • changed the names of some monsters,

  • the spell in the Rune Staff will only work on enemies with more than 150 health,

  • more meat and stems are now required for brewing the Battle Potion,

  • orc shamans, demons, and ice/lava golems will cast their spells more frequently,

  • depending on gold mining skill, it will be possible to hit gold veins more often with a pickaxe (up to 4 hits per second),

  • speed potions for companions will now last 5 minutes instead of 3,

  • new textures for a few scrolls, plus scrolls of different magic schools are now colored differently,

  • many balance adjustments,

  • and so on.

  • Ten new armor/clothing items - many NPCs are now dressed in more winter-appropriate clothing, plus new models for a few armors for the main character.

  • Added a new enemy - Bone Pilgrim. This is a melee version of a witch with its own skill set. Konstantino will accept Bone Pilgrim weapons from his apprentice.

  • New enemy - Chameleon. Inhabits Jharkendar, hard to see and very poisonous, lurking for its prey in the bushes.

  • Small fixes and additions in all locations (new Easter eggs and objects, additional points for monsters, new places - for example, a new mini-cemetery in Khorinis, updated loot in several chests, fixed bugs in worlds - such as floating bushes/trees, passable objects, holes in walls, etc.).

  • Stunning effects will occur half as often on all enemies with a max HP of 2000 or more - this applies to weapon-embedded effects (shock, freeze, stun).

  • A dozen new models for crossbows, 1 new crossbow with an additional effect.

  • A new permanent potion for Dragon Hunter archers - Thunder Elixir. It allows you to stun enemies with arrows or bolts, and it also restores some mana to the hero when the stun triggers. It can be obtained from Pyrokar in exchange for Ore Blood if the player has bow or crossbow skills of at least level 70.

  • A few more changes, mostly balance-related:

  • arrows and bolts have become more expensive, as has the skill to craft them,

  • top-tier bows and crossbows are now distributed by chapters, including Chapter 4,

  • the 'Faith Strike' skill has become more expensive,

  • regeneration potions (HP and MP) can now be brewed in batches of 10 instead of 5,

  • several adjustments to quests, names, and text descriptions,

  • approximately 10 plaques and books have been removed from the world,

  • some items and monsters in locations have been replaced,

  • Tando sells Ore Tincture (mana regeneration) for tokens,

  • minor changes in the stats panel,

  • a few more changes to alchemy recipes,

  • slightly reduced earnings with Constantino,

  • improved stun mechanism,

  • summoning creatures with runes is more mana-expensive (for skeletons, guardians, golems, zombies, and demons),

  • the bonus from the title for the Soul Eater quest (Lost Souls City storyline) has been increased by 50%,

  • added a new monster - Crystal Lizard (replacing Fire Lizards in winter Khorinis),

  • new model, adjusted parameters, and a new name for Beliar's Lizard,

  • some top-tier monsters have advanced combat logic,

  • reduced mastery bonuses for several weapons,

  • increased bonus from the Healer's set,

  • the learning cost of the speed potion recipe has increased,

  • and much more.

  • Changed the Combat Potion - it now has a different name and functions based on the number of defeated enemies rather than time. It also no longer provides temporary resistance to fire and magic. Multiple potions can be used consecutively, and their charges will accumulate. The number of remaining charges can be displayed using the Hidden Buffs button.

  • All new fonts of the mod have been moved to separate constants in the scripts - this might help someone translate the mod into other languages.

  • "Fixed" Uruk-hai and Orc Shamans. It turned out they were missing one of the three types of perception - smell (smell essentially allows monsters to detect an enemy within a certain radius without seeing or hearing them, as long as there are no obstacles).

  • Changed "Faith Strike" - it now consumes a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 500 mana, and deals 2 units of magical damage for each unit of mana (reduced by the monster's magic resistance). The restriction on using triple mana potions has been removed - they can now be drunk, and "Faith Strike" can be used multiple times in a row.

  • Additionally, "Faith Strike" now does not kill peaceful NPCs.

  • Strengthened the Weapon of Darkness - increased physical damage, reworked the Weakness skill (now it is Frost - it freezes the target and slows all enemies around), and increased the mana needed to activate the skill from 25 to 50.

  • Slightly adjusted the script for NPC criminals - now they sit in cells without weapons, and some are even naked.

  • Also fixed the script for calculating fines in cases where there were no remaining witnesses to the crime.

  • Several minor changes:

  • all Orc Shamans on Ir-Dorath have been replaced with stronger Horde Shamans (different model, stronger stats, more malevolent combat style);

  • several visual and sound effects have been changed;

  • upon the death of Nazgûls, the life timer of summoned creatures will now almost reset;

  • Alligator Jack has been given the ability to teach the crafting of arrows and bolts (in case Bosper or Kaleb die somehow);

  • fixed minor bugs

  • and something else.

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